Ahmadinejad, the epitomy of what is wrong with Islam


Ahmadinejad, the misshapen capuchin monkey Islamo-nazi psychopath and his appearance at the UN General Assembly in NY on Monday, September 24, 2007, is possibly the most “shameful moment” in the history of an organization supposedly dedicated to advancing global peace and security. The leader of Iran is a Holocaust denier who also denies Israel’s right to exist. It is unfortunate that the US, even if it felt compelled by its treaty obligations to allow Ahmadinejad to attend the UN session, do not also feel compelled to arrest him under the Convention on the Prevention and Punishment of the Crime of

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Words That Can Kill


Words That Can Kill, from Jeff Jacoby: Today Simon Bikindi is being tried by the international tribunal created to bring Rwanda’s accused war criminals to justice. The central charge against him is that he incited genocide with his songs. Words can be deadly, opening the door to murder on a vast scale. That is why the 1948 Convention on the Prevention and Punishment of the Crime of Genocide unambiguously makes it as much of a crime to incite acts of genocide as to physically commit them. If Simon Bikindi has been charged with incitement to commit genocide, why hasn’t Mahmoud

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Moves to Charge Ahmadinejad with Incitement to Genocide


From Financial Times: A 68-page study produced by the Jerusalem Center for Public Affairs and the International Association of Jewish Lawyers and Jurists argues that Iranian President Ahmadinejad’s declaration that “Israel should be wiped off the map” is part of a hate campaign punishable under international law. Remarks by Ahmadinejad, including one in which he reportedly questioned whether Zionists were human beings, “constitute direct and public incitement to genocide,” the study alleges. “While the Hutus in Rwanda were equipped with machetes, Iran, should the international community do nothing to prevent it, will soon acquire nuclear weapons,” it notes. Dore Gold,

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Arafat should have been arrested when he was in the US


Folks, do you want to know of a flagrant violation of International Law? Arafat entering the US. Understood in terms of international law, in particular Article 53 of the Vienna Convention on the Law of Treaties, Arafat entering the United States borders represents a clear assault upon this Article. Former Pres. Clinton invited Arafat and the murderous pus-bucket did enter the United States at least two times. United States authorities are obligated under national and international law to arrest and prosecute Yassir Arafat. Why, exactly, does the United States have such a responsibility? The answer lies in pertinent facts concerning

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