The truth continues to eke out. From U.S. Official: Iraqis Told Me WMDs Sent to Syria: Don Bordenkircher, who served two years as national director of prison and jail operations in Iraq, said that about 40 prisoners he spoke with “boasted of being involved in the transport of WMD warheads to Syria” in the three months prior to Operation Iraqi Freedom. He said he was told the WMDs were...
French Military Against Assad’s Presence at Bastille Day Parade
Do the French really feel this way? From French Military Against Assad’s Presence at Bastille Day Parade: The French government has banned a demonstration by French veterans meant in part to protest against the presence of Syrian President Bashar al-Assad as an honored guest at the July 14 Bastille Day military parade, French media reported on Friday. French veterans blame Syria for the...
The Iranian Roots of Hizbullah
The Iranian Roots of Hizbullah(1) By: Dr. Nimrod Raphaeli* Iran/Lebanon #448 June 17, 2008 Table of Contents: IntroductionAkhteri’s Background and Proselytizing ActivityFacing the First CrisisThe Splintering of Amal and the Creation of HizbullahSyria Allowed the Passage of Military Aid to HizbullahThe Establishment of Al-Manar TVHizbullah’s Social Institutions ñ Identical To...
The Golan Heights and the Syrian-Israeli Negotiations
By Dore Gold 1) Israeli negotiators will quickly discover three core areas in their discussions with the Syrians that they will not resolve easily: delineation of an agreed boundary, security arrangements, and the Syrian-Iranian alliance.2) Just prior to the outbreak of the 1973 Yom Kippur War, Syria deployed 1,400 tanks along the border against a total Israeli force of 177 tanks (a force ratio...
Israel Never Pledged Full Withdrawal from Golan
Get your facts right, Syria, and quit your stinking mendacity. From Israel Never Pledged Full Withdrawal from Golan: Israel never pledged to withdraw from the Golan Heights and return to the 1967 borders as part of peace negotiations with Syria, despite declarations of officials in Damascus, Israeli sources told Israel Channel 10 Thursday. The sources said Israel had initially intended to wait...
Exclusive: Hizballah received 35 new Iranian speedboats shortly before current crisis
DEBKAfile’s military sources report that three weeks before Hezballah seized western Beirut, the Shiite terrorist group took delivery of 35 fast speedboats for use with explosives from Iran. The craft can threaten US Sixth Fleet and Israel Navy shipping close to Lebanese shores, reach Israel’s Haifa and Ashdod Mediterranean ports and raid its coastal oil installations. The speedboats...
CIA Confirms in Video: Israel Bombed Nuclear Reactor in Syria
Once again Israel does the job America won’t do. The entire civilized world can once again thank Israel for preventing another Muslim dictatorship theocracy from using nuclear weapons against infidels. Later today U.S. intelligence officials will show members of Congress a videotape and other evidence supporting their case that Syria was building a nuclear reactor with North Korean...
Iran: Syria Arrests Saudi Official Over Mughniyeh Assassination
It wasn’t the Mossad, Jew bashers, it was archetypical Muslim vs. Muslim carnage. From Iran: Syria Arrests Saudi Official Over Mughniyeh Assassination: In a move that could have far reaching consequences, Syria arrested a Saudi official in connection with the assassination of top Hizbullah commander Imad Mughniyeh, Iran’s semi-official Fars news agency reported Tuesday. A high-ranking...