Deconstructing the Lies About the Legitimate and Sovereign Nation of Israel


African Slavery under Muslim Hegemony

This video is excellent and a must-see for everyone on your email lists.Received by email: While many hear (quite a bit now, during our presidential campaign) about the legacy of slavery in the United States, and many know of the Trans-Atlantic Slave Trade, very few know that there was a slave trade that preceded and continued to the present day that was far worse. That was and is the Arab/Muslim...

Seminar on combating trafficking in persons

Communicated by the Foreign Ministry Spokesman: The Israel Ministry of Foreign Affairs held a first of its kind seminar on the subject of vombating trafficking in persons on 31 January 2007, in Jerusalem. Combating trafficking in persons is a priority for the Israeli government, which has undertaken increased efforts to prevent such trafficking, to protect its victims and to prosecute the...

Deconstructing the Lies About the Legitimate and Sovereign Nation of Israel



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