Deconstructing the Lies About the Legitimate and Sovereign Nation of Israel

TagShebaa Farms

UN to Israel: Shaba Farms Is Lebanese Territory

From UN to Israel: Shaba Farms Is Lebanese Territory: The UN has told Israel that its mapping experts have determined that the Shaba Farms on Mount Dov, now controlled by Israel, is Lebanese territory. The UN has proposed that Israel withdraw from the area and that it be considered international territory to be controlled by UNIFIL. Prime Minister Olmert opposes the idea. When the UN marked the...

Lebanon Pays a High Price

Dr. Joseph Hitti writes in “Lebanon Pays a High Price“: With UN Resolution 1701 now a fact, has Hezbollah achieved the goals it set for itself when it attacked Israel on July 12? 1. Release of Lebanese prisoners held by Israel. The resolution only asks that the issue of those prisoners be worked out later.Conclusion: Hezbollah’s reckless attack on July 12 failed. 2. The “liberation”...

Exclusive: Leaked Copy of Security Council Resolution

Via our friends at Vital Perspective: A Vital Perspective exclusive: We have obtained a copy of the draft Security Council resolution to be presented for a vote in New York, possibly as early as tonight. This, to our knowledge, is the first outlet to present it publicly. It is presented below: UNSC DRAFT RESOLUTION LEBANON / PROJET DE RESOLUTION LIBAN The Security Council, Recalling all its...

Thank You, Hezbollah by Dr. Joseph Hitti

Via FrontPageMagazine: Thank you, Hezbollah, for showing us that we, the Lebanese people, don’t need an army or a government or an infrastructure. As long as we have “sacred unity”, steadfastness and brotherhood and all the other slogans, we do not need organized society, and History will judge us well on our actions. We don’t need incomes, a GDP, a budget or any of those Western economic...

Hizbollah’s Hassan Nasrallah is a liar

Hassan Nasrallah has explained his current aggression is to reclaim Lebanese territory, the Shebaa Farms. This has nothing to do with Lebanon. He also speaks about getting the release of Lebanese prisoners in Israel. The main prisoner – it is not clear how many others there are – is Samir al-Kuntar. In 1979 he was sentenced to 542 years imprisonment: he came by boat from Lebanon, got...

Deconstructing the Lies About the Legitimate and Sovereign Nation of Israel



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