UK Islamic Expo


Via One Jerusalem blog: Douglas Murray is a brilliant British writer and advocate for truth and justice. Being very effective at what he does he has been branded an enemy of British Muslims who want to impose Sharia Law on British society. Murray has established a record of being willing to debate his opponents in public forums. You may remember that he partnered with Daniel Pipes in a debate with then London Mayor and Sharia apologist Ken Livingstone and a Muslim partner. So when he received an invitation to attend London’s Islamic Expo which is sponsored by Muslim Brotherhood types

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UN Declares Islamic Shari’a Taboo


This is stunning and quite good news. This article excerpted below is evidence of the United Nations’ redirection away from its typical penchant to lean towards Muslimania. This is good for all of us, for all of civilization. From UN Watch: From now on, all references to human rights violations related to Islamic Shar’ia law are prohibited in the chamber of the UN Human Rights Council. So ruled council president Doru Costea after a dramatic debate in the recently concluded June session. It all started when veteran rights activist David Littman — undaunted by the repressive regimes who only last

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Shari’a totalitarianism is coming to your neighborhood


With no thanks to American liberals and those who pander to islam, with no thanks to arabists and palestiniasts who look at Jews as second-class world citizens, with no thanks to those who have forgotten the 3,000 who were murdered on 9-11 by Muslim barbarians, with no thanks to the Jew-haters at DailyKos and the stooges at Huffington Post, with no thanks to the detestable Jews of Neturei Karta and left-wing rabbis and their foolish congregations, with no thanks to Leslie Cagan, Peace Now, Adam Shapiro, Ron Kuby, Sheldon Cohen and other self-loathing Jews, America has gone soft on Islam’s

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How do you solve a problem like Sharia?


Some weeks ago, Front Page Magazine’s sterling interviewer, Jamie Glazov, interviewed Hasan Mahmud, the Director of Sharia Law of the Muslim Canadian Congress. Mahmud played a vital role in the successful movement against the Toronto Sharia Court which was banned in 2003 when the Ontario Government enacted a law banning all faith-courts. He has authored books, debates, 2 docu-dramas and a documentary on Sharia. He has also spoken on Sharia in various conferences in Europe and North America. Glazov started the interview with Mahmud and asked a very good, leading question: You are a Muslim and not a very great

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