Deconstructing the Lies About the Legitimate and Sovereign Nation of Israel


Stop calling them “settlers”

I really wish some Jews would stop calling other Jews “settlers”. It is disconcerting to read here comments by some Jews about other Jews who deny that these “settler” Jews are indigenous to Judea, and that Jews have no right to live in Hebron, the oldest Jewish city in history. Instead, those Jews who call other Jews “settlers” help to enable the redefinition...

Israeli settlements are not a violation of international law

An Israeli plan to construct 30 new homes in Maskiot in the Jordan Valley for families evacuated from uprooted Gaza Strip settlements has been questioned by the U.S. State Department. But David Siegel, spokesman for the Israeli Embassy in Washington, said “the settlement is not a new one.” It was legally established in 1982, housed an army unit and a school, and has had civilians...

Four Points: Arguments for Israel by Daniel Weinstein

From Four Points: Arguments for Israel: In this age of sound-bites, here are some key facts at your fingertips. When it comes to Israel, tempers sometimes flare, and sometimes we don’t even know how to respond. We might hear a new argument or a new perspective, and the limited knowledge we have proves to be insufficient. Especially in the age of sound-bites and knee-jerk politics, we need...

Deconstructing the Lies About the Legitimate and Sovereign Nation of Israel



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