Deconstructing the Lies About the Legitimate and Sovereign Nation of Israel

TagSaudi peace initiative

Muslims hope to redefine Israelis as “Arab Jews”

It is outrageous to the extreme the extent with which the entire world refuses to accept the right of the Jewish people to live freely in their own land. Via DebkaFile: In an interview with Reuters, Prince Turki al-Faisal, former Saudi ambassador to the US and UK, again touted the 2002 Saudi peace initiative requiring full Israeli withdrawal from “occupied Palestinian, Syrian and Lebanese land”...

Saudi Arabia Backs Out of Arab Peace Initiative

From Saudi Arabia Backs Out of Arab Peace Initiative: Saudi Arabia has dropped its support for a land-for-peace deal between Israel and the Arab world over fears of al-Qaeda attacks, an Israeli official said Saturday. “We estimate the Saudis got cold feet over suspicions of Iran and fears of terror attacks sponsored by Iran and al-Qaeda,” the official said. The official added that...

“The Saudi Plan Is Dead”: Senior Saudi Officials Admit to Israel that the Initiative Is No Longer Relevant

From “The Saudi Plan Is Dead”: Senior Saudi Officials Admit to Israel that the Initiative Is No Longer Relevant (Hebrew): Israel’s hope to reach an understanding on a political settlement together with the countries of the Arab League has run aground. Senior political officials in Saudi Arabia, Egypt, and Jordan announced in closed meetings with senior Israelis that the...

Forgotten Legal Rights

From Forgotten Legal Rights: After most armed conflicts, the international community has sought to re-establish the status quo ante – the previous situation – as part of a political settlement. However, many aspects of the prewar status quo in 1967 were untenable, if not illegal. Jordan and Egypt previously occupied the West Bank and Gaza Strip as a result of an invasion by the Arab...

No one is that dumb: 2002 Saudi Peace Initiative as adopted by Beirut Arab Summit [right of return]

First it was the Germans who dictated to us, and now for more than 60 years its the Arabs. This ugly document keeps resurfacing lately. Who are the Arabs to dictate to Jews who we are, where we should live, what our borders are, what offends us, and where we belong? Arabs overestimate their importance. Israel does not need to prove anything to the Arab world. Arab Palestinians not only have no...

The Saudi Initiative

received by email from David Bedein—————Bringing back Arab refugees to their homes from 1948 There is an illusion, that the Saudi Initiative is based on the Israel’s withdrawal to the 1967 lines. The following article, written one week after the Saudi Initiative was spawned, clarifies that the Saudi Initiative is based on flooding Israel with 4 million arab...

Deconstructing the Lies About the Legitimate and Sovereign Nation of Israel



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