Legal Rights and Title of Sovereignty of the Jewish People to the Land of Israel and Palestine Under International Law


This article has been proven to cause “brain freeze” because it is so comprehensive and in-depth and as you read it, your brain freezes and then you have lay down on the floor in a fetal position and go to sleep. The good news is when you wake up, everything returns back to normal and you can resume reading and absorb the facts and data in the normal fashion. Regardless of the cost this article MUST. BE. READ. If it’s too much to absorb this time around, then bookmark it, and come back. It’s that important. Legal Rights and Title

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20 Years of Research Reveals: Jerusalem Belongs to Jews


From Jacques Gauthier, a non-Jewish Canadian lawyer who spent 20 years researching the legal status of Jerusalem, has concluded: “Jerusalem belongs to the Jews, by international law.” Gauthier has written a doctoral dissertation on the topic of Jerusalem and its legal history, based on international treaties and resolutions of the past 90 years. The dissertation runs some 1,300 pages, with 3,000 footnotes. Gauthier had to present his thesis to a world-famous Jewish historian and two leading international lawyers – the Jewish one of whom has represented the Palestinian Authority on numerous occasions. Gauthier’s main point, as summarized by Israpundit

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