Deconstructing the Lies About the Legitimate and Sovereign Nation of Israel

TagSami al-Arian

Al-Arian’s Wife and Her Troubling Connections

In the middle of this month, a trial is scheduled to begin, linking a number of groups and individuals to the financing of terrorism abroad. At the same time, a woman, also related to overseas terror financing, is planning on leaving the country for Egypt. Whether that’s coincidence or not should be determined by law enforcement. However, this woman’s involvement in a terror front is undeniable...

What is CAIR (Council on American-Islamic Relations) ?

CAIR is a civil rights group partially funded by the Saudi Wahhabi establishment. The Council on American-Islamic Relations (CAIR) describes itself as a “non-profit, grassroots membership organization … established to promote a positive image of Islam and Muslims in America,” to protect Muslims from hate crimes and discrimination, and to present “an Islamic perspective on issues...

CAIR Supports Terror: A Case Study

From Power Line via CAIR Watch: After his acquittal of certain terrorism charges and a hung verdict on others, Sami al-Arian pleaded guilty to one count of providing financial assistance to a terrorist organization — Palestinian Islamic Jihad, of which al-Arian was the North American leader. Judge James Moody sentenced al-Arian to the maximum time on the charge and addressed a few choice...

Deconstructing the Lies About the Legitimate and Sovereign Nation of Israel



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