Deconstructing the Lies About the Legitimate and Sovereign Nation of Israel


Israel Slams Russian Decision to Supply Weapons to Syria

From Israel Slams Russian Decision to Supply Weapons to Syria: Jerusalem aimed harsh criticism at Russia on Friday for its decision to supply Syria with advanced missiles, including anti-aircraft missiles and new anti-tank missiles that can penetrate Western-made tanks. Senior Israeli officials expressed concern that the arms would be transferred to Hizbullah, warning that missiles that were...

Russian Listening Posts in Syria Track IDF Movements

From Jerusalem Post via Israel News – Daily News Alert from Israel: Russia maintains listening posts along the Syrian border with Israel which it uses to follow IDF movements in the Golan Heights, it was revealed Thursday. According to Israel television channel 2, the posts are manned by Russian military officers who pass on information to Hezbullah in Lebanon. Israel has known about the...

Deconstructing the Lies About the Legitimate and Sovereign Nation of Israel



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