Does History Alive devote as many pages in its publications to Christianity or to Judaism, the religion which gave monotheism to the world, and from which Christianity, Islam and the Bahá’í Faith were derived? From History Textbooks Unbalanced in Presenting Islam: Modern textbooks shy away from presenting a positive picture of Christianity and Judaism as important influences in molding America. Thanks to multicultural activism, that caution does not hold for the way many history textbooks now present Islam. History Alive: the Medieval World and Beyond, a middle-school text adopted by California for statewide use, offers a decidedly unbalanced characterization of
Read More +It is outrageous to the extreme the extent with which the entire world refuses to accept the right of the Jewish people to live freely in their own land. Via DebkaFile: In an interview with Reuters, Prince Turki al-Faisal, former Saudi ambassador to the US and UK, again touted the 2002 Saudi peace initiative requiring full Israeli withdrawal from “occupied Palestinian, Syrian and Lebanese land” in return for “full normalization of relations.” But Turki added a refinement: If Israel signed a comprehensive peace, “one can imagine the integration of Israel into the Arab geographical entity.” He went on to say:
Read More +As unbelievable as it is to we who know the truth, Barnard College just granted tenure to a palestinian archeologist who denies the Jewish presence in Israel before the 20th century. From The Chronicle: Barnard College just announced that Nadia Abu El-Haj, an anthropologist whose tenure bid has been the subject of online debate for weeks, has been promoted to the rank of associate professor. Nadia Abu El-Haj’s “fraudulent expertise is just a disguise for her true aim – to assassinate the character, people, culture, history, biography, agriculture, and architecture of the indigenous Jewish people of Israel”, says Hugh Fitzgerald.
Read More +Received by email:~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ A request for assistance from those knowledgeable in Yiddish culture and history. A rather tendentious Wikipedia headed Doctor’s plot really could use some editing by people who have information as well as insights into this matter. While purporting to be a scholarly academic wikipedia entry, it appears to be, alas, a quite tendentious opinionated entry. See here: This entry begins thus: The Doctors’ plot (Russian language: дело врачей (doctors’ affair), врачи-вредители (doctors-saboteurs) or врачи-убийцы (doctors-killers)) was an alleged conspiracy to eliminate the leadership of the Soviet Union by means of Jewish doctors poisoning top leadership. After
Read More +Nadia Abu El Haj’s whole “thing” is that the ancient Israelites never existed. She also supported the destruction of Joseph’s Tomb. Received by email: Another important and pressing issue at Columbia is the upcoming tenure decision for Barnard professor Nadia Abu El Haj – whose single manuscript is a corruption of honest fact in order to achieve her political agenda. We are running a petition to prevent Nadia Abu El Haj from getting tenure. There is a lot of material on my site: www.paulasays. com explaining why she doesn’t deserve this honor and more on the petition site itself. Please,
Read More +Hugh Fitzgerald on the The usage of the slogan “Palestinians”: “She said Asha, a Jordanian of Palestinian heritage, contacted the agency within the last year, but apparently did not take the test for foreign medical school graduates… .” [see: http://kdka. com/topstories/ topstories_ story_187110435. html ] Jordan is Palestine east of the river Jordan. So the correct way to describe “Dr.” Asha is as an “eastern ‘Palestinian’ Arab of western ‘Palestinian’ origin.” The identification of someone according to where one’s ancestors came from is, in the case of those trying to make a political point, getting to be transparent. Henry Kissinger
Read More +From Book Review: A Palestinian Two-Step: In Once Upon a Country: A Palestinian Life, Sari Nusseibeh misses no opportunity to denigrate and delegitimize Israel through sharp, short, often subtle yet always false readings of history. His text is marred by countless factual errors and inaccuracies that cast a serious doubt on the validity of his personal narrative, not to mention the wider historical and political picture he seeks to paint. But Mr. Nusseibeh is not someone to be bothered by the facts. His text is marred by countless factual errors and inaccuracies that cast a serious doubt on the validity
Read More +From Israel Criticizes Egyptian Media Attacks: Israel’s Foreign Ministry Wednesday criticized Egyptian media statements accusing Israel of killing 250 Egyptian prisoners of war during the 1967 War, based on an Israeli documentary film broadcast last week. Senior ministry officials viewed the documentary and concluded it “shows clearly that this was not a case of the ‘murder of helpless POWs,’ but rather a battle between Israeli soldiers and an Egyptian commando unit….The movie leaves no doubt that the soldiers were killed in battle and were not POWs.” “Thirty years after Egyptian President Sadat’s historic visit to Jerusalem, and 28 years after
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