One Islam?


Is Islam in Tehran the same as the Islam in the Phillipines? Is Islam in India different from Arab Islam? Via FrontPageMagazine: What are the differences between Arab Islam and Islam elsewhere — such as in India, Indonesia and in Africa? What do these differences signify? To discuss these questions with us today, Frontpage Symposium has assembled a distinguished panel, including: Mike Ghouse, a Muslim thinker, speaker and writer, and president of the Foundation for Pluralism. He is a frequent guest on talk radio, discussing interfaith issues. He also founded the World Muslim Congress. His articles can be found at

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Video: Hamas tells Arabs: Genocide of Jews still on


While Hamas courts favor internationally, an Arabic sermon on Palestinian TV showed the ruling party continues to call for the genocide of Jews. Hamas spokesman Ismail Radwan, quoting the hadith – the oral tradition of Muhammad – declared to the Palestinian audience: “The Hour [of Resurrection] will not take place until the Muslims fight the Jews and the Muslims kill them, and the rock and the tree will say: “Oh, Muslim, servant of Allah, there is a Jew behind me, kill him!” A video excerpt of the March 30 sermon can be viewed here. Radwan concluded with a prayer for

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Islamic pro-terrorism hate film gets PG rating in Australia


I can understand how the Brits have allowed Islam to become their moral authority, but I had thought Australians had much more sense. From Sunday Telegraph: A pro-terror hate film that urges children to martyr themselves in Islam’s war on the West and calls Jews “pigs” has been rated PG by Australia’s censors. Sheik Feiz Mohammed’s DVD box set, which also calls for the murder of non-believers, was initially seized by Federal anti-terror policeb but the Office of Film and Literature Classification has ruled that The Death Series is suitable to be bought and watched by children.

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Symposium: Apes, Pigs and Anti-Semitism


A wide-held belief prevails in the Arab Middle East that Jews are literally apes and pigs. What engenders this mindset and psychology? A distinguished panel joins Jamie Glazov of Frontpage, featuring:Kenneth Levin, a clinical instructor of psychiatry at Harvard Medical School, a Princeton-trained historian, and a commentator on Israeli politics. He is the author of The Oslo Syndrome: Delusions of a People Under Siege, Nancy Kobrin, an affiliated professor to the University of Haifa, Arabist, psychoanalyst and author of the upcoming book, The Sheikh’s New Clothes: The Naked Truth About Islamic Suicide Terrorism (which was pulled from publication by Looseleaf

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From the Pandering to Muslims Dept: British School Changes Name of Play to ‘Three Little Puppies’ to Avoid Offending Muslims


Now if only Muslims would cease calling Jews the “sons of monkeys and pigs” which they do in the Koran in Suras 2:62-65, 5:59-60, and 7:166, things would begin to look up. From FoxNews: That’s what one British school renamed the traditional Three Little Pigs story for a school play, so as not to offend Muslims in the community, London’s Daily Mail reported. Organizers of the children’s musical theater performance changed the lyrics’ character’s names in a move some — including Muslims — are saying went too far. “The vast majority of Muslims have no problem whatsoever with the Three

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The Perception of the Jew in Muslim Arab Society


This essay appears in the Fall 2005 issue of the Jewish Political Studies Review, the first and only journal dedicated to the study of Jewish political institutions and behavior, Jewish political thought, and Jewish public affairs. An excerpt: The Palestinian religious, academic, and political elites teach an ideology of virulent hatred of Jews. The killing of Jews is presented both as a religious obligation and as necessary self-defense for all humankind. Palestinian Authority elites have built a three-stage case against Jewish existence, much as a prosecutor might build a case demanding a death sentence. As their expert witness, they bring

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Islam: Beating Your Wife is Legal


In his sermon broadcast on Qatar TV, a Muslim cleric claims some wives, due to their nature, must be beaten. “We must know that [wife] beating is a punishment in Islamic religious law,” the cleric stated. “No one should deny this because this was permitted by the Creator of Man, and because when you purchase an electric appliance or a car you get instructions – a catalogue, explaining how to use it. The Creator of Man has sent down this book [the Quran] in order to show man which ways he must choose.” “We shouldn’t be ashamed before the nations

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