Middle East Radio Forum


David Naggar, author of the Case for a Larger Israel, and Yoni Tidi (Yoni the Blogger) will be discussing what Israel needs to do to survive and prosper. In these dark days of suicidal Israeli “leadership” this is a critically important topic to explore. Please tell others about this show. Noon in AZ, 11am Pacific, 2pm Eastern and 9pm Israel time, listen on 960 am in the Phoenix area or anywhere on Welcome to MERF. Call with questions, 602-508-0960 or toll free 1-888-960-9696. Wm Wolf, host, Middle East Radio Forum

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Fatah’s Nazi training was CIA-sponsored


Two related items from Francisco Gil-White. 1) A documentation of the CIA role in the Nazi training of Al Fatah. 2) An interview with Israel National News on how Moshe Feiglin is the first Israeli leader to mention in public that Al Fatah was created by the leadership of the German Nazi Final Solution. Al Fatah’s Nazi training was CIA-sponsoredHistorical and Investigative Research – 22 July 2007by Francisco Gil-Whitehttp://www.hirhome.com/israel/cia-fatah.htm The US government has been pushing very hard to give Mahmoud Abbas’s Al Fatah its own state, carved out of the Jewish state. Al Fatah (also known as ‘the PLO’) was

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Evangelicals and Other Loving Christians


Ruth Matar is one of my heroines. I have heard her speak, I’ve read of her passionate advocacy for our beloved Israel, how she has been on the frontlines of Zionism risking her life and family in defense of Israel’s sovereignty and legitimacy, and just recently, I listened to a brief interview with her and Walter Bingham – who I also love by the way – on this terrific broadcast of Walter Bingham’s Radio Show, taped on Erev Tisha B’av. Now Naomi has written an excellent article on why Jews should love Christian evangelicals, something I have been writing about

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Evidence of WMDs in Iraq and Syria


Last evening or I should say overnight, Michael Shrimpton, a barrister specialising in national security and intelligence law, was interviewed by Art Bell for more than two hours on Art’s radio show, and Mr. Shrimpton gave compelling evidence that not only were WMDs in Iraq prior to 2003, they were covertly shipped out of the country via railroad and other methods into Syria. Not only that, Shrimpton also cited evidence how France and Germany were complicit in the development of the WMDs for Iraq by being providers of weapon-grade yellow-cake and other nuclear materials. If you will remember, Saddam used

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Radio: The Mysteries of Purim and Digging Up Old Bones


I don’t know how I found it, but some years ago I discovered the excellent site, KosherTorah.com, which is managed and administered by Rabbi Ariel Bar Tzadok. Each week or so, Rabbi Tzadok emails a newsletter, and almost always, the newsletter is about Jewish mysticism. I am 99% of the time in over my head when I read his newsletters and I excitedly look to the day when I will have a better understanding on the material that I read and pretend to understand. I never heard Rabbi Tzadok speak, until today, when I visited IsraelNationalRadio.com and read that Rabbi

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