Who owns the Golan Heights?


The Golan is Israeli. From The Golan Is Israeli: It is almost politically incorrect, practically heresy, to claim today that the Golan is not Syrian in the least nor a deposit or bargaining chip for negotiations. But it is precisely time to say so to the Israeli leaders who are trying to blunt the public’s awareness. The Golan is a lot more “Israeli” than “Syrian.” It has been Israeli for 40 years, double the time it was in Syria’s hands. It has been under Israeli sovereignty for 26 years. It has neither a foreign people nor a demographic problem. The

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What is Fatah?


What is Fatah?- Terrorist group founded by Yasser Arafat in early 1960s– Dedicated to annihilating IsraelFatah, or al-Fatah, was co-founded in about 1959 by Yasser Arafat and Mahmoud Abbas. The organization’s name is a reverse acronym standing for Harakat Al-Tahrir Al-Watani Al-Filastini (“the Movement for the National Liberation of Palestine”). As a word, “Fatah” in Arabic means “conquest by means of jihad [Islamic holy war].” From its inception, Fatah’s overriding objective, as expressed in its original Covenant, was to bring about the annihilation of Israel. (Notably, this Covenant explicitly disavowed any interest in the West Bank and Gaza Strip, which

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Did you know that on the International Court of Justice in The Hague, no Israeli judge may serve on that court as a permanent member?


Did you know that on the International Court of Justice in The Hague, no Israeli judge may serve on that court as a permanent member, while sworn enemies of Israel serve among its judges, several of whom represent countries that do not abide by the rule of law? Did you know that The Israeli Supreme Court is not only open to all Israeli Arabs, but also to all West Bank and Gaza Arabs and that Israel’s Supreme Court is the only court in the Middle East where an Arab can actually win a case against his government?

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Video: What Really Happened in the Middle East?


The David Horowitz Freedom Center is releasing a 10-minute flash video, What Really Happened In The Middle East, that restores reality to the Israeli-Arab conflict, as a fifty-year war by Arab Muslims to reverse what they refer to as the “Nahkba” – the catastrophe of Israel’s birth as a nation. What Really Happened In The Middle East restores the historical record and shows why the war against Israel is a central front in the Islamic jihad against the West,” says David Horowitz, founder and president of the Freedom Center. “It is our goal to deliver this message to millions of

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Video: How Can We Help the Terrorized People of Sderot?


The Jewish Agency for Israel is once again providing crisis assistance for beleaguered Israelis. With its dedicated professionals in the field, and its capacity to garner resources and to immediately launch and operate emergency programs, the Jewish Agency for Israel is bringing much-needed relief to the region. MoreThe Jewish Agency moved 1,640 children from Sderot and the Gaza perimeter out of the range of fire for a day without missiles. With your help we can give the children many days of fun filled summer camp adventures out of Kassam range.

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My response to “Anonymous”


I received the following comment from Anonymous, who responded to my post “Video: Stand up to Ahmadinejad“: Your blog said I might contact you and that if I were nice you would be nice back. I need some counseling. I am a Jew. My father was a cantor. My brother is a cantor. And I studied, albeit only for a while, for the rabbinate. I was raised a Zionist. I went to many Zionist camps and sang all the joyous Zionist songs. I loved being a Zionist and a Jew. As I grew up, my family, though they never had

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