Tag: Questions and Answers
Questions About the Israeli-Palestinian Conflict
Didn’t Israel drive out 600,000 Palestinians at gunpoint in 1948 and take their land? Most Arabs who left Israel did so under the orders of the Arab leader, the Grand Mufti, to withdraw and let the Arab armies “drive the Jews into the sea,” which they attempted in 1948. However Israel won that war. Not…
Who was David “Mickey” Marcus?
David “Mickey” Marcus (1902-1948) was an American Jew who volunteered to fight for the Israeli army in the 1948 War of Independence. Marcus was a tough Brooklyn street kid who attended West Point and then law school. In World War II, Marcus rose to the rank of Colonel in the U.S. Army, where he helped…
What is Theresienstadt?
Theresienstadt was a nazi holding pen in Czechoslovakia. It served as a transit camp for Czech Jews whom the Germans deported to killing centers, concentration camps, and forced-labor camps in German-occupied Poland, Belorussia, and the Baltic States. It was a ghetto-labor camp to which the SS deported and then incarcerated certain categories of German, Austrian,…
Is Israel Bound by International Law to Supply Utilities, Goods, and Services to Gaza?
More data and definitions for you to use in the TalkSpeak and NewSpeak war against Israel and the manufactured accusations of her “violation of International Law”. From The Jerusalem Center for Public Affairs: British Foreign Secretary David Miliband and Development Secretary Douglas Alexander recently alleged that Israel’s decision to respond to ongoing Palestinian rocket attacks…
What is Muslim land?
The virus calling itself Osama bin Laden emerged once again to vow in a new audiotape Saturday, that he and his followers will expand the Muslim holy war to Israel, threatening “blood for blood, destruction for destruction.” The muslim went on to say “We intend to liberate Palestine, the whole of Palestine from the (Jordan)…
Who is Yael Korin?
Yael Korin is the co-founder of the Los Angeles branch of Women in Black and is an ex-Israeli Jew working for the destruction of Israel. Yael Korin is a pathologist at the medical school of UCLA who believes the canard that Jews have no right to live in Israel. She is associated with Greta Berlin,…
What are the causes of Muslim Israelophobia?
Muslims believe that destroying the Jewish Holy Temple Mount promotes and expedites the Islamic goal to ethnically cleanse Jews from the Middle East. By invalidating claims to the historic Jewish presence of the Holy Jewish Temple Mount and by destroying any trace or any artifacts of the Jewish Holy Temple Mount, Muslims can declare supremacy…
What are the links between domestic violence, misogyny and Jihad?
Front Page interviewed Jeffrey Denning, co-owner of Liberty Protective Solutions, LLC, a private security consulting company, and who was a former police officer, SWAT team leader and Federal Air Marshal. Denning believes …that one of the reasons ethically and civilly-minded societies fail in their approach to stop or predict terrorism at the tactical level is…