Deconstructing the Lies About the Legitimate and Sovereign Nation of Israel

TagPropaganda posing as scholarship

More Palestinian Authority libel

Deconstructing intelligence as a requirement for membership in the Palestinian Authority. Via PMW: Israel’s supernatural rats chase away Jerusalem’s Arabs. The Palestinian Authority has come up with yet another wild accusation about Israel. Two PA newspapers – one directly controlled by the office of PA President Mahmoud Abbas – are accusing Israel of releasing rats with...

Anti-Israeli Agenda Borders on Sacrilege

From Anti-Israeli Agenda Borders on Sacrilege: Last weekend, Old South Church hosted a conference sponsored by North American Friends of Sabeel entitled “The Apartheid Paradigm in Palestine-Israel” and headlined by Episcopal Archbishop Desmond Tutu. Two days of nonstop bashing of Israel, portrayed as a colonialist oppressor. Palestinian national aspirations were celebrated; Jewish...

Adalah, ICAHD, and Other Political NGOs Promoted in University of Denver GSIS / Hebrew University “Human Rights” Program

Via NGO Monitor: The Minerva Center for Human Rights, a program based at the Hebrew University of Jerusalem, is arranging a number of summer courses for advanced students at the prestigious Graduate School for International Studies at the University of Denver.[1] While some of these courses include qualified academics and focus on serious research issues, others which offer internships are based...

Using statistics to lie about discrimination

How Ha’aretz and ‘Sikkuy: The Association for the Advancement of Civic Equality in Israel’ lie to mangle statistics. An excerpt from Steven Plaut via The Jewish Press: Mark Twain once said there are three sorts of lies: lies, damned lies, and statistics. Of the last group, the worst are ‘advocacy statistics’. These are fabrications by advocacy groups that invent...

The enemy within: Balad MK to speak at Israel Apartheid Week in Canada

Propaganda posing as scholarship. From Ha’aretz: MK Jamal Zakhalka (Balad) intends to participate in aninternational conference in Montreal entitled IsraeliApartheid Week, Army Radio reported on Tuesday. The Israeli Arab parliamentarian is currently making his way to Canada from Britain. Jewish students will hold a counter-demonstration at Montreal campuses wearing blue-and-white shirts and...

Deconstructing the Lies About the Legitimate and Sovereign Nation of Israel



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