What is the European Coalition for Israel?


European Coalition for Israel is a joint initiative by the four major international Christian pro-Israel organizations with activities in Europe to address the issue of growing anti-Semitism and anti-Zionism in Europe. The coalition was formally launched on March 2 2004 in Brussels, though the partner organizations have been working together to form the network already for several years. ECI seeks to inform members of European Parliament and other political leaders in Brussels and other European capitals about the complex realities of the conflict in the Middle East by acknowledging the right for Israel, as the only democracy in the region,

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America, Stand with Israel at the Counter-Rally on June 10, 2007


From Stand With Israel RallyYou CAN make a difference. Come to Washington DC on June 10, and join us in a rally to support Israel’s right to peace, security and defensible borders! Israel’s opponents are on the move: On June 10, 2007, to mark the 40th anniversary of Israel’s 1967 war of survival, the extremist groups “United for Peace and Justice” and “Muslim American Society Freedom Foundation” will hold what even the liberal magazine Tikkun called a rally for the “dissolution of the State of Israel.” The “United for Peace and Justice” coalition includes such radical organizations as the Socialist

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A Pro-Israeli European Leader


It would be nice if Hillary Clinton, who I abhor, loathe and detest, but who I believe, with great sadness and with a heavy heart, has a decent chance of winning the 2008 presidential election because most Americans are too stupid to vote otherwise, should take some notes. Via Front Page Magazine: Palestinian Authority officials have accused German Chancellor Angela Merkel of “offending the Palestinians’ feelings” during her visit earlier this week to Ramallah, where she met with PA Chairman Mahmoud Abbas. The accusations, the first of their kind against a European leader, were made by top PA officials only

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