Deconstructing the Lies About the Legitimate and Sovereign Nation of Israel

TagPolitical correctness

Author Howard Rotberg

Important. Spread the word. Received by email: I am writing to you in the hopes of you writing a few words of support for Canadian author Howard Rotberg. He was invited to give a lecture at a Canadian book retailer on his book, The Second Catastrophe, when pro-Palestinians supporters showed up and caused a disturbance. The book retailer cancelled the lecture and later issued a press release...

Cultural ‘elites’ bash Easter

Cultural elites have launched a blizzard of attacks on religion during one of Judaism’s and Christianity’s holiest time of the year. Would they have done the same during Ramadan?An excerpt from Culture and Media Institute: Beginning on February 26, the news media and arts community have fired a stunning barrage of criticism at religious beliefs, religious practice, and religious...

Deconstructing the Lies About the Legitimate and Sovereign Nation of Israel



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Join us here at Smooth Stone along with other people of good conscience and put an end to the brutal terror of the Palestinian Authority complicit in the ethnic cleansing of indigenous Jews from their homeland of Israel.

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