THE PLO COVENANT THE NAZI COVENANT Palestine is an INDIVISIBLE part of the homeLAND of the ARABS and the Palestinians are an INTEGRAL part of the ARAB NATION We demand the UNION of all GERMANS to form a GREAT GERMANY Palestine is the home LAND of the Palestinian PEOPLE We demand LAND and TERRITORY for our PEOPLE The Palestinians are those ARABS born of a Palestinian FATHER The Palestine...
What happened in 1967 that caused Israel’s borders to change?
This post was moved to SmoothStoneBlog
Kristillnact, 1938
Munich, September 1938. What happened? Britain and France generously donated a big slice of Czechoslovakia to Hitler, in exchange for “peace with honor,” “peace in our time”. What followed? Kristillnacht – in November of 1938. What caused Kristillnact besides the irrational hatred of Jews? Appeasement. Appeasement doesn’t merely fail to prevent catastrophe, it...
Two murderous covenants: the PLO Covenant and the Nazi Covenant
Received by email, with much gratitude, from reader Karl Huttenbauer: This chart, a comparison between the Nazi and PLO Covenants, was published 25 years ago in the Canadian Jewish Herald – Oct.1980 (publisher Dan Nimrod z”l). One year later saw publication of ‘On A field of Red’ – the Comintern and the coming of World War II’ (Putnams 1981) which revealed that...
The Four Entities of Palestina-Eretz Yisrael
Submitted by reader Karl Huttenbauer, Berlin: The Palestinian National Covenant was first promulgated in 1964 (when the West Bank was under Hashemite rule) wherein Article 2 “defines Palestine as an indivisible territorial unit within the boundaries it had during the British Mandate 1920 including Trans-Jordan” ( East Bank). In plain words – Jordan is Palestine (first entity)...
URL : ; Terrorist group founded by Yasser Arafat in early 1960s, prior to 1967 Six Day War. — Dedicated to annihilating Israel Fatah, or al-Fatah, was established in about 1959 by Yasser Arafat. The organization’s name is a reverse acronym standing for Harakat Al-Tahrir Al-Watani Al-Filastini (“the Movement for the National Liberation of Palestine”). As a word, “Fatah” in Arabic...
Myths and Facts
MYTH: “Israel created Hamas.” FACT: Israel had nothing to do with the creation of Hamas. The organization grew out of the ideology and practice of the Islamic fundamentalist Muslim Brotherhood movement that arose in Egypt in the 1920s. Hamas was legally registered in Israel in 1978 as an Islamic Association by Sheikh Ahmad Yassin. Initially, the organization engaged primarily in...
May G-d forgive us all
The most dreaded news I could imagine, my worst nightmare, has come true: Ehud Olmert’s Kadima party revealed yesterday it would divide Jerusalem and allow a Palestinian state to be established in parts of Israel’s “eternal capital.” “The Old City, Mount Scopus, the Mount of Olives, the City of David, Sheikh Jarra will remain in our hands, but [regarding] Kafr Akeb...