Chag Sameach Pesach. Have a Good Shabbos and a Happy Passover! A favorite of mine by Rabbi Meir Kahane ZT”L HY”D, written May 9, 1986: The essence of Passover is the commandment of the Hagadda, of telling and retelling, of passing on to our children, the story of Passover, its concepts and lessons and commandments. Passover is the beginning of Judaism, its very birth, hence its...
Haggada of the Jewish Idea
Received by email:———————–Now available online Now for the first time the Haggada of the Jewish Idea by Rav Binyamin Zev Kahane is being made available free online. Visit the Haggada of the Jewish Idea website, Please support the completion and continuation this project by sponsoring pages in honor or in memory of your loved...