Deconstructing the Lies About the Legitimate and Sovereign Nation of Israel

TagPeace Now

Israel Government betrays its own claim to Hebron

To my Jewish brethren in Israel: Rebuild your nation, defend your people from your government’s oppression, defend your people from the barbarian Arabs, and rid yourselves of the cancerous entity “Peace Now”. There is no longer a single Jew in the Israeli government. The government is filled with men of little faith. Israel has indeed fallen from grace. From INN: The State...

Video: Peace Now’s ruse backfired

Folks, check out this ruse that Peace Now tried to pull off on Jews celebrating Simchat Torah. In this video, during Simchat Torah celebration in Hebron – Judaism’s second holiest city – a scuffle breaks out between Jews and Muslim Arab terrorists, and is – ironically – filmed by a Peace Now bystander. What a coincidence that he just happened to have been there with...

Women in Green: Outlaw “Peace Now”

Via INN: Motorists driving along the main Jerusalem-Tel Aviv highway Tuesday morning were surprised and dismayed to see Syrian flags flying alongside Israeli flags as they made the ascent to the capital. The red, white and black Syrian flag was placed on poles between the Shaar HaGai intersection and the government complex by left-wing Peace Now members. By hanging the colors of the enemy state...

“Peace Now” Protests For a Jew-Free Hebron

It is outrageous in the extreme that the world would accept a scheme that would permit Arabs to have an ethnically cleansed continent where no Jews can live, but that’s exactly what the misanthropes at Peace Now endeavor for. They want all of Hebron Jew-free. What they don’t realize is that Hebron was already Jewish when Europe was still a swamp. Just as Germans can live in France and...

The misanthropic Peace Now

The fetid misanthropes who hide their dysfunctional personalities behind the mask of “Peace Now” will be holding a protest against Jews in their indigenous regions of Judea and Samaria in the heart of Hebron’s Jewish neighborhood Tuesday. Counter-protesters say they will be there too. The left-wing Jew-haters anti-settlement group petitioned the Supreme Court to force police and IDF...

Yesha Council Slams Peace Now’s “Lies Now” Report

By Hillel FendelA7 News Tuesday, January 23, 20074 Shevat 5767—————-The Yesha Council highlights the deceptions in a recent study by the ultra-left wing Peace Now group purporting to show that 40% of Yesha communities are built on private Arab land. “The so-called facts in the Peace Now report are from the true reality,” the Yesha Council says. The Yesha...

Deconstructing the Lies About the Legitimate and Sovereign Nation of Israel



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