Deconstructing the Lies About the Legitimate and Sovereign Nation of Israel

TagPalestinian Arab violence

Palestinian Truck Seen Leaving Eli

Palestinian Truck Seen Leaving Eli This afternoon a black truck with a yellow cab and Palestinian Authority license plates was seen leaving Eli at 1:00 PM. Eli is a mostly religious town near Shilo in Samaria, and under the authority of the Binyamin Regional Council. Eli can be added to the list of towns, including Ofra, which even allows Palestinian Authority vehicles to enter. Such vehicles can...

Palestinian Rockets Hit Israel, Breaking Hamas Truce

Palestinian Arabs doing what they do best. From Palestinian Rockets Hit Israel, Breaking Hamas Truce: Three Kassam rockets fired from Gaza on Tuesday struck the Israeli town of Sderot and its environs, constituting the first serious breach of a truce between Israel and Hamas, the Islamic group that controls Gaza. Mark Regev, a spokesman for Israeli Prime Minister Ehud Olmert, said the rocket fire...

Hamas Continues to Set Israel-Palestinian Agenda

Two Israelis were killed when at least four Palestinian terrorists infiltrated the Nahal Oz fuel terminal from the Gaza Strip on Wednesday. Fortunately, two of the terrorists were killed by the IDF in the terminal, and at least two others fled back to the Gaza Strip. In a swift response, the military dispatched aircraft which hit a car carrying at least one of the terrorists. According to a Hamas...

Muslims terrorist kills 8 innocent Israelis and maims several others

In the worst terror attack against innocent Israelis since 2006, a palestinian Muslim terrorist opened fire at a central Jerusalem yeshiva late Thursday night, killing at least eight students and wounding 10 others. As security forces raced to the scene, the Muslim fired round after round of ammunition into the library at the seminary, religious Zionism’s flagship institution. About 80...

Municipal Inspectors Narrowly Escape Palestinian Mob in Eastern Jerusalem

Arabs doing what they do best. From Municipal Inspectors Narrowly Escape Palestinian Mob in Jerusalem via Daily Alert: Hundreds of Arab teens pelted Israeli cars, police and passersby with rocks in Jerusalem on Monday as rioting over the violence in Gaza continued in the Arab sections of Jerusalem. The graphic images of two city workers who were inside their vehicle when they came under attack...

Who is George Habash?

George Habash was a palestinian who enjoyed murdering Jews. And now, at last, he’s dead. From Terrorism’s Christian Godfather: George Habash Dies : You could call George Habash, a Palestinian leader who died in Amman on Saturday at the age of 82, the godfather of Middle East terrorism. Habash’s group, the Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine (PFLP), pioneered the...

Palestinian Terrorists Infiltrate West Bank High School, Wound Three

This is what happens when you try to play nice with rabid animals. From Palestinian Terrorists Infiltrate West Bank High School, Wound Three: Two Palestinians armed with knives and a pistol infiltrated the Mekor Haim yeshiva high school in Kfar Etzion, not far from Jerusalem. They entered a library and attacked the students and their counselors, who fought back. During the battle, one student was...

Deconstructing the Lies About the Legitimate and Sovereign Nation of Israel



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