Deconstructing the Lies About the Legitimate and Sovereign Nation of Israel

TagPalestine Liberation Organization (PLO)

Photo: Abbas with PLO flag erasing Israel

Via Palestinian Media Watch: Click for a photo of Palestinian Authority Chairman Mahmoud Abbas standing at attention in front of the PLO symbol, which places the Palestinian flag over the map of Israel. This symbolizes that all of Israel is, or will someday be, “Palestine.” The picture is from yesterday’s PLO Central Committee meeting (PATV Jan-13-08). VISIT PMW VIDEO ARCHIVES:...

American awarded $16M in Palestinian attack on him

From the Washington Post: A federal jury in Miami awarded $16 million to an American who claimed that Palestinian groups backed a terrorist attack in Israel in which he was injured. Moshe Saperstein was attacked in February 2002 by gunmen who sprayed his car with AK-47 rounds, wounding him in the hand. Saperstein, who has dual U.S. and Israeli citizenship, claimed that the PA and the Palestine...

U.S. Admits Arafat Murdered American Officials

From U.S. Admits Arafat Murdered American Officials: After 33 years, the U.S. State Department has finally declassified a document admitting it knew that the murder of two U.S. diplomats in Sudan in 1973 “was planned and carried out with the full knowledge and personal approval” of PLO leader Yasser Arafat. In the attack on March 1, 1973, eight members of the Black September terrorist...

PLO takes pride in being the source of international terror

Last week, Palestinian Media Watch (PMW) distributed this text, citing a PLO leader taking pride in the fact that terrorists worldwide have copied PLO terror tactics and techniques. In response to numerous requests we are sending the video as well.Click here to see the Hales Abu Maher, Secretary of Fatah in Gaza: “Oh warrior brothers, this is a...

Deconstructing the Lies About the Legitimate and Sovereign Nation of Israel



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