The following news item should help set right anyone’s mythology that the US in Afghanistan, Iraq, and elsewhere are hurting “poor innocent Arab shepherds” who only want to raise sheep, raise a family, and spread peace throughout the world. May righteous Jews and Americans continue to capture and kill our enemies in al-Qaeda, the civilization-hating Muslim terror network. Via FoxNews: Al Qaeda confirmed in a Web statement Sunday the death of a senior commander known as a top explosives and poisons expert, who is believed to have been killed in a U.S. airstrike in Pakistan last week. The statement said
Read More +New strategies emerging from Muslim terrorists. From Foreign Muslim Extremists Heading for Pakistan: American military and intelligence officials say there has been an increase in recent months in the number of foreign fighters who have traveled to Pakistan’s tribal areas to join with militants there. The flow may reflect a change that is making Pakistan, not Iraq, the preferred destination for some Sunni extremists seeking to take up arms against the West. “There are noticeably more non-Pashtun-speaking fighters than this time last year,” said Gen. David D. McKiernan, the new NATO commander in neighboring Afghanistan.
Read More +From Imran Raza, the director and executive producer of the documentary “Karachi Kids” who discovered up to 80 American children in a Taliban-backed madrassa in Pakistan released the following statement regarding the return of two American children to Atlanta: I am grateful for the safe return of the two American children from Atlanta from a Taliban- backed madrassa but the mullah claims to have up to 78 more in his institution. The headmaster comes to the United States once a year and personally recruits American children to enroll in his madrassa. The remaining 78 children must be returned to
Read More +“A breeding ground for terrorists.” “University of Jihad.” Those are just some of the phrases used to described the Pakistani madrassa system, a network of Islamic schools where children as young as six are taught to memorize every verse and phrase of the Koran. The Karachi Kids takes the viewer behind the shrouded curtain of a Pakistani madrassa to show a world of abuse, loneliness and transformation into radical Islam. Filmed over the course of years, the Karachi Kids tracks the changes of two middle class brothers from Atlanta whose father, a Pakistani taxi driver enraged at the influence of
Read More +Muslims continue to dictate public policy by throwing temper tantrums about the so-called “defamation of Islam” while ignoring its own 100 year long villification of Jews and Israel. Via UN Watch: A “non-paper” published by the planners of next year’s UN conference on racism already singles out Israel and breaches Europe’s red lines, UN Watch told the UN Human Rights Council this week. The Durban Review Conference, set for next April in Geneva, will be a highly visible, amply funded, well-advertised and well-attended gathering that will focus the world’s attention on the West’s defamation of Islam and racial discrimination against
Read More +Via JihadWatch: A real shock horror, totally unexpected, out-of-left-field Friend-and-Ally Update: “US think tank: Pakistan helped Taliban insurgents,” by Jason Straziuso for Associated Press, June 9: KABUL, Afghanistan (AP) – Pakistani intelligence agents and paramilitary forces have helped train Taliban insurgents and have given them information about American troop movements in Afghanistan, said a report published Monday by a U.S. think tank. The study by the RAND Corp. also warned that the U.S. will face “crippling, long-term consequences” in Afghanistan if Taliban sanctuaries in Pakistan are not eliminated. Uh, yeah. Click here to read the full story.
Read More +A lesson to you chumps out there that feel compelled to send charitable donations to Muslim-majority nations which have suffered natural catastrophes: your money is going to Muslim terrorists. From Islamists Murder International Earthquake Relief Workers in Pakistan: On Feb. 25, Islamist gunmen killed four Pakistani employees of Plan International, a British-based charity helping earthquake victims in Mensehra, Pakistan, then wrecked the office with grenades and set it on fire. Threats by Islamists have forced several foreign agencies to scale back assistance to survivors of the October 2005 earthquake that killed at least 78,000 people and left 3 million homeless.
Read More +Oopsy daisy. From CIA Kills Top Al-Qaeda Terrorist in Pakistan: Abu Laith al-Libi, a wanted al-Qaeda terrorist, was killed in Pakistan by a CIA airstrike, three U.S. officials told CNN Thursday. Al-Libi was a senior al-Qaeda leader believed to have plotted and executed attacks against U.S. and coalition forces, including a February 2007 bombing at Bagram Air Base in Afghanistan during a visit by Vice President Cheney. He was on a “most wanted” list of 12 accused terrorists which was issued in October. The Pakistani military said an explosion occurred in North Waziristan on Tuesday, and 12 people were killed.
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