Today in Jewish History – Cheshvan 12


If Palestinianism has any validity, so then does Zionism. Anti-Zionism is racism. Get it? Sponsored by In 1975, the United Nations passed a resolution declaring that “Zionism is racism.” Israel’s Ambassador to the UN, Chaim Herzog, noted the irony of the vote coming (on the English calendar) exactly 37 years after Kristallnacht. The UN Secretary General at the time was Kurt Waldheim, later accused of war crimes while serving as a Nazi officer. The “Zionism is racism” canard is easily refuted by Israel’s open and democratic character — with Arabs serving in parliament, as well as Israelis of all

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Today in Jewish History – Elul 27


Sponsored by In 1993, Israeli Prime Minister Yitzhak Rabin and Palestinian Chairman Yasser Arafat shook hands on the White House lawn, signaling the start of a peace process known as the Oslo Accords. Israel agreed to transfer autonomy to the Palestinians, in exchange for a cessation of violence. However, Palestinian terrorists carried out a spate of bus bombings and roadside shootings throughout the 1990s. In July 2000, Israeli Prime Minister Ehud Barak attempted to reach a final agreement, offering the Palestinians 93 percent of the territories — later upped to 99 percent — but Arafat balked. As U.S. chief

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The Palestinian Authority’s refusal to allow worshippers into Joseph’s Tomb violates the Oslo Accords


The Palestinian Authority has failed to respect the sanctity of Holy Sites The Agreement Under the terms of the Oslo Accords, the Palestinian Authority (PA) is obligated to safeguard holy sites and ensure free access to them. According to Annex III, Appendix I, Article 32 of the 28 September 1995 Oslo 2 accord: “2. Both sides shall respect and protect the listed below religious rights of Jews, Christians, Moslems and Samaritans: a. protection of the Holy Sites;b. free access to the Holy Sites; andc. freedom of worship and practice.” In addition to this general obligation, the Oslo 2 accord (Article

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