Deconstructing the Lies About the Legitimate and Sovereign Nation of Israel

TagNonie Darwish

College Campus pro-Israel Activism: DAFKA.ORG

Ronald Radosh writes in The Real Agenda of the New Student Left that there is an emergence of a new and dangerous student anti-war movement, one that seeks to confuse its audience by the rhetoric of peace and human rights, while in fact seeking to organize a new anti-capitalist and anti-Israel campus activism. It is truly a coalition of the leftover Left- a group seeking anxiously to create a new...

Nonie Darwish: Muslims Must Welcome the Jews in Our Midst

From Nonie Darwish: Muslims Must Welcome the Jews in Our Midst: Egyptian-American writer Nonie Darwish, interviewed on Al-Arabiya TV on March 23, said: “We should begin to view the Palestinian Arab cause in a different manner. For 58 years we have been fighting Israel….Enough, we must resolve this problem, because it hinders the progress of the Arab peoples.” “We must be...

Nonie Darwish Speaking Tour

Nonie Darwish, a renowned speaker and Arab friend of Israel, will be speaking at U.S. campuses this week. We hope you’ll be able to come hear the compelling story of Nonie’s life and ideological journey, from Egypt to Gaza to the United States of America.
Feel free to drop a line to, or visit

Nonie Darwish explains an “Obsession”

An article submitted by reader MazeArtist (embedded link added by Smooth):===== In Jerusalem, taxi drivers come from many backgrounds and educational levels, and are usually open to conversations. On my way to the Conference on Antisemitism, Multiculturalism, and Ethnic Identity at Hebrew University The taxi driver who took me there was an Arab resident of Abu Dis, which is located within the...

‘Arabs for Israel’ launch website

Recognizing Israel has little support in the world, Arabs and Muslims who back the Jewish state are developing a new website, Its developer, Middle East-born author Nonie Darwish, says “now is the right time for Arabs and Muslims who believe in and support Israel to do so.” In its statement of principles, Arabs for Israel says it can support the Jewish state and...

Deconstructing the Lies About the Legitimate and Sovereign Nation of Israel



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Join us here at Smooth Stone along with other people of good conscience and put an end to the brutal terror of the Palestinian Authority complicit in the ethnic cleansing of indigenous Jews from their homeland of Israel.

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