Via WND: Obama site: Jews must be ‘burned’ Posted By Aaron Klein On 08/05/2008 Obama site: Jews must be ‘burned’ JERUSALEM – Jews should be “burned” and “thrown in the oven.” Israel murdered 6 million Arabs. Jews control American politics and dictate decisions of war and peace. The Jewish state is leading a “Holocaust” against the Palestinian people and was responsible for...
More reasons to say NObama
Received by email from From Richmond Times-Dispatch, Monday, July 7, 2008: Dear Editor, “Times-Dispatch”, Each year I get to celebrate Independence Day twice. On June 30 I celebrate my independence day, and on July 4 I celebrate America ‘s. This year is special, because it marks the 40th anniversary of my independence. On June 30, 1968, I escaped Communist Cuba , and a few...
American flag disappears from Obama campaign jet
Once again, Barack Hussein Obama refuses to display the American flag. The U.S. flag no longer appears on the tail of the plane that will be used by presumptive Democratic presidential nominee Barack Obama (Courtesy Chicago Sun-Times). Via WND: As part of a month-long aircraft makeover, a painted American flag was removed from the tail of Sen. Barack Obama’s official campaign airplane and...
The Tour de Farce continues…
Via the excellent and righteous Michelle Malkin: Photoshop: A True Obamanation:
Enough to make you puke.
The Real Barack Obama – Just Say NObama
The latest links on the real Barack Hussein Obama, written by authors and visionaries who are kind enough to warn the rest of us when the wool is being pulled over our eyes. Via The Real Barack Obama – HotList 07/11/08: “We have now seen enough of Barack Obama’s campaign to get an idea of his remarkably agile strategic plan. Mr. Obama bills himself as the candidate of ‘change and hope’ —...