Deconstructing the Lies About the Legitimate and Sovereign Nation of Israel


Nasrallah Will Not Die a Natural Death

From Nasrallah Will Not Die a Natural Death: MK Yisrael Hasson, who was also a former Shin Bet assistant director, said: “None of them will be absolved. Whoever bathed in Jewish blood, whoever attacked the honor and independence of the State of Israel, will not be able to tell their grandchildren anything, because they will never get to that stage.” “I have no doubt that...

Desecrate the dead and deal in their body parts

The Muslim Hezbollah leader and mass murderer, Hassan Nasrallah, says his armed group has body parts of Israeli soldiers killed in Lebanon during the 2006 conflict. The mass murderers are just doing what they’re told: “…When Allah spake unto the angels, ‘I will be with you: therefore stablish ye the faithful. I shall cast terror into the hearts of the infidels.’ Strike off their...

Hizbullah: We Can Strike at Every Part of Israel

More Muslim hubris, arrogance, and supremacy. From Hizbullah: We Can Strike at Every Part of Israel: Hizbullah leader Hassan Nasrallah told Al-Jazeera Sunday that his organization is able to strike at every part of Israel, and had the same capability during the Second Lebanon War last summer. From IDF Says Hizbullah Hiding Rockets from UN Forces: Since its reinforced deployment last August...

How Nicolas Sarkozy Could Destroy Hizbullah

From How Nicolas Sarkozy Could Destroy Hizbullah: While the U.S. government designated Hizbullah as a terrorist organization a decade ago, the European Union has not. Doing so would require the consensus of all 27 member states, and several countries have been opposed, including Spain, Belgium, and, in particular, France.Now, the election of Nicolas Sarkozy as France’s new president may...

Implementation of Security Council Resolution 1701 after six months

Intelligence and Terrorism Information Center at the Israel Intelligence’ Heritage & Commemoration Center (IICC) March 4 , 2007 The implementation of Security Council Resolution 1701 after six months Interim reportClick here for the annotated version. 1. An examination of the implementation of Security Council Resolution 1701 six months after its passing shows that that implementation...

Nasrallah admits ‘intelligence failure’

From Jerusalem Post: In an admission which underscores previous statements made by Hizbullah, leader “Sheikh” Hassan Nasrallah said that his organization suffered from an”intelligence failure” regarding the size and timing of an Israeli response in last summer’s war.”Frankly, we were surprised by the size and strength of the response, “Nasrallah told...

Keith Ellison named to Judiciary Committee

From Associated Press: Muslim Rep. Keith Ellison has been named to the House Judiciary Committee, a panel that has oversight over issues such as civil liberties, immigration and courts…. “I look forward to pursuing a progressive agenda in the committee, including the restoration of American citizen’s civil liberties that have come under increasing attack over the past six...

The Islamic Genocide Plan

Click here to read the words of the following madmen, butchers, deviants, and murderers listed provided by The Editors of FrontPage Magazine, proving that Muslims have long dreamed, plotted, and demonstrated in favor of the annihilation of Israel and all the Jews in the world: Mahmoud Ahmedinejad, President of Iran, Abu Maamun, a senior leader of the Al Aqsa Martyrs Brigades in Jenin, The Charter...

Deconstructing the Lies About the Legitimate and Sovereign Nation of Israel



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