From Inside Source at FBI Believed to Have Fed Secret Info to Hizbullah: An illegal immigrant from Lebanon who became an agent for the FBI and CIA allegedly used her access to sensitive U.S. government secrets to help her brother-in-law, a suspected major fundraiser for the terrorist group Hizbullah, according to new details concerning a national security breach that emerged Wednesday. In court...
Hezbollah Mole in the CIA Faces a Light Sentence, If Any
The double-standard for Jews. While spying for Hezbollah and Muslim terrorist enemies of the USA, Nada Nadim Prouty apparently faces only 6-12 months behind bars. Compare with Jonathan Pollard, who was given a life sentence for having given security information to protect Israel, USA’s ally. Is this American justice? Thanks to Gary who sent this in.
Illegal immigrant, Muslim from Lebanon, worked for FBI, CIA, stole info, passed it to Hizballah
How social engineering skills plus a Koran get Jews and Americans killed. Via Jihad Watch: Whew. This story has everything: an illegal immigration angle, a Keystone Kops angle, an espionage angle, a moderate-Muslims-condemn-terror-or-do-they angle, and more. It would make a great movie. If this kind of thing doesn’t kill us first. The illegal immigration angle is of course that illegal...