Palestinian Arabs said no to a state in 1937, when Britain under the Mandate offered the Peel Commission plan. They said no in 1947, when the UN proposed the establishment of two states in the region, one Jewish, one Arab. They said no in 1948, when Israel’s Proclamation of Independence invited the Palestinians to remain in their homes and become equal citizens in the new state. They said no in 1967, when Israel offered to return all the territories conquered in return for peace. They said no in 1978-9, when Israel offered the acceptance of Palestinian autonomy in exchange for
Read More +More mendacity from Islam, the keeper of falsehoods, revisionism, terror and bloodlust. From PMW: Palestinian children in Gaza were gathered for an exhibition that depicts Israel burning children in a crematorium. Young children are seen standing beside dolls being placed into a model of a cremation oven. According to the article in Al Ayyam, “The National Committee for defense of Children from the Holocaust opened its activities with a Holocaust exhibit. The Exhibit include a large oven and inside it small children are being burned, the picture speaks for itself.” [Al Ayyam, March 20, 2008] Another part of the exhibit
Read More +To return the “Arab neighborhoods” of Jerusalem to Arab/Muslim control would mark the beginning of the end of Israel and its raison d’etre for existing as a nation state. Received by email. From The ‘Two Jerusalems” Myth: Palestinians have nurtured a myth that historically there were two Jerusalems – an Arab ‘East Jerusalem’ and a Jewish ‘West Jerusalem.’ Jerusalem was never an Arab city; Jews have held a majority in Jerusalem since 1870, and ‘east-west’ is a geographic, not political designation. It is no different than claiming Annapolis, the capital of Maryland, should be a separate political entity from the
Read More +An excellent introduction to the differences in perception between the Israelis and their Arab neighbors is an article by Victor David Hanson in the National Review. It is called Palestinian Pretense and Israeli Reality. You’ll find it at: If you believe what you hear on the news and media, you would think there is an entity called a Palestinian people, who lived in a country/state/area called Palestine since Canaanite/Biblical/Mohammadan times. The Israelis occupied Palestine in 1967. The Palestinians want the occupiers out of their land. And of course they are entitled to do whatever it takes to get their
Read More +Excerpted from Melanie Phillips: Tomorrow, [Update: legal argument took place on September 12 while the full hearing is now scheduled to start on September 19, 2007. ] an appeal starts in Paris in a case which encapsulates all that is most rotten and murderous about the media war against Israel and its truly monstrous consequences. At the beginning of the second intifada, an event occurred which more than any other was to incite mass hysteria against Israel, lead directly to the terrorist murder of Jews and whip up demonstrations and incitement against Israel and the west throughout the Arab and
Read More +From WND: “Palestinians never used to do these things to one another.” That was the first sentence of a New York Times Magazine story by the newspaper’s Jerusalem bureau chief, Steven Erlanger. What are the things Palestinians are doing to one another today that they didn’t do before? putting bullets in the back of the heads of men on their knees; shooting up hospitals; killing patients; knee-capping doctors; executing clerics; throwing handcuffed prisoners to their deaths from Gaza’s highest apartment buildings; Is it naivete? Plain ignorance and incompetence? Deliberate disinformation? Partisanship with radical Islamists? Anti-Israeli zealotry? Anti-western pseudo-intellectual ism? What
Read More +From Princeton Economist Says Lack of Civil Liberties, Not Poverty, Breeds Terrorism: “Each time we have one of these attacks and the backgrounds of the attackers are revealed, this should put to rest the myth that terrorists are attacking us because they are desperately poor,” says Princeton economist Alan Krueger. “But this misconception doesn’t die.” “As a group, terrorists are better educated and from wealthier families.” The Sept. 11 attackers were relatively well-off men from a rich country, Saudi Arabia. Examining 781 terrorist events classified by the U.S. State Department as “significant” reveals terrorists tend to come from countries distinguished
Read More +This heinous plot proves several points about Islam and Islamic terror: — that the lives of non-Muslims are not esteemed nor valued by Muslims,— that the Hippocratic oath is meaningless to Muslim doctors and waiving an oath and violating another’s trust is just a walk in the park,— that it is a myth that terrorism is a result of poverty and lack of education, and,— that it is a myth that Muslims and Jews worship the same god because clearly Jews sanctify life and clearly, Muslims sanctify death. From Terror plot hatched in British hospitals: A suspected secret cell of
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