Just in case you wanted to know what it’s like to live under Shar’ia law, visit Harvard University which has created a women-only workout hours at one of its campus gyms for its Muslim female students, but check the hours first before you go. You wouldn’t want to make the pious holier-than-thou Muslims working on their abs and bootylicious bods feel your infidel licentious stares. From Fox News: In response to a request by female Muslim students, Harvard University has created women-only workout hours at one of its campus gyms. The decision has angered some students at the Ivy League
Read More +Thank goodness for men like Congressman Peter King of New York, who is trying to protect public-transportation passengers from being sued if they report suspicious activity. The lawsuit filed by six Muslim imams against US Airways and “John Does,” passengers who reported suspicious behavior, could have a “chilling effect” on passengers who may fear being sued for acting vigilant. Rep. Peter King, New York Republican and ranking member of the House Homeland Security Committee, offered the motion saying all Americans — airline passengers included — must be protected from lawsuits if they report suspicious behavior that may foreshadow a terrorist
Read More +Received by email from D. Pipes:——————————- Dear Reader: A further decision is due in the controversy over taxi drivers at the Minneapolis-St. Paul International Airport who refuse to transport passengers visibly carrying alcohol. The Metropolitan Airports Commission, which has jurisdiction over the drivers, invites the public’s opinion; and I urge your involvement. MAC has sent a notice (which I have posted in full on my website, at http://www.danielpipes.org/blog/679#meetingthat recounts developments since its decision in October 2006 to deny requests by drivers to distinguish between Shar’i-compliant and –noncompliant taxis. MAC writes: For the past several months, the Metropolitan Airports Commission has
Read More +What is separation of Church and State? Well, for one, it is a phrase that does not appear in the Constitution. That’s right, it does not. Most Liberals fear religion so they pretend the phrase does appear so they fight all public expressions of religion in America. You can’t have a cross. You can’t have a statue of a Bible. You can’t pray in school, you know the mantra. According to most Liberals and most Democrats, we are soulless. But what most Liberals and Democrats won’t tell you is that we also know that Islam is both a religion and
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