Calling the eastern part of Jerusalem the fabricated name, East Jerusalem , misrepresents Jerusalem by insinuating that it is already partitioned, which is what lefty rags like Ha’aretz and its lefty readership wants the international community to think. “East Jerusalem” does not exist as a separate entity from Jerusalem. The entity calling itself Palestine is also not real, and...
Iran Accuses U.S., Israel of Manufacturing “Genetic” Weapon to “Kill Specific Peoples”
This is hilarious. Add this to the procurement of mythology inherent in Islam, along with Burak the magical Winged-Horse. From Iran Accuses U.S., Israel of Manufacturing “Genetic” Weapon to “Kill Specific Peoples”: Iranian Gen. Mir Feysal Bagherzadeh has accused the U.S. and Israel of “seeking to manufacture a [genetic] weapon which could kill specific peoples in a...
The ‘Two Jerusalems’ Myth
To return the “Arab neighborhoods” of Jerusalem to Arab/Muslim control would mark the beginning of the end of Israel and its raison d’etre for existing as a nation state. Received by email. From The ‘Two Jerusalems” Myth: Palestinians have nurtured a myth that historically there were two Jerusalems – an Arab ‘East Jerusalem’ and a Jewish ‘West Jerusalem.’...
Palestinian Pretense and Israeli Reality
An excellent introduction to the differences in perception between the Israelis and their Arab neighbors is an article by Victor David Hanson in the National Review. It is called Palestinian Pretense and Israeli Reality. You’ll find it at: If you believe what you hear on the news and media, you would think there is an entity called a Palestinian people, who lived in a country/state/area...
Nous accusons!
Excerpted from Melanie Phillips: Tomorrow, [Update: legal argument took place on September 12 while the full hearing is now scheduled to start on September 19, 2007. ] an appeal starts in Paris in a case which encapsulates all that is most rotten and murderous about the media war against Israel and its truly monstrous consequences. At the beginning of the second intifada, an event occurred which...
Iran calls Harry Potter a ‘Zionist plot’
You know, I have to laugh out loud at how utterly stupid, ignorant, uneducated and moronic our enemies are. And that’s a good thing, because you don’t want to have a smart enemy if you’re going to be so unfortunate as to have an enemy, and right now the civilized world has an enemy. So if we’re going to have to have an enemy, you want a dumbass enemy – and...
More Muslim mythology
Keep moving folks, nothing to see here but more mendacity and stupidity from the Arab world. What is it this time? Sudan’s defense minister, Abdel Rahim Mohamed Hussein, has accused “24 Jewish organizations” of “fueling the conflict in Darfur” last week in an interview with a Saudi newspaper. Hussein was interviewed during an official state-visit to the Saudi kingdom...
“Palestinians,” and the need for things to be seen aright
Hugh Fitzgerald on the The usage of the slogan “Palestinians”: “She said Asha, a Jordanian of Palestinian heritage, contacted the agency within the last year, but apparently did not take the test for foreign medical school graduates… .” [see: . com/topstories/ topstories_ story_187110435. html ] Jordan is Palestine east of the river Jordan. So the correct way to...