In spite of the truth that Jerusalem belongs to the Jews and is the capital of Israel, the chief of staff for Palestinian Authority President Mahmoud Abbas, Rafiq Al Husseini, lied today and threatened that Jerusalem and the Temple Mount belong to the Muslims and any Israeli action that “offends” the Mount will be answered by 1.5 billion Muslims. This is yet another example of how Muslims dictate public policy by throwing public temper tantrums and rewriting history. Rafiq Al Husseini is just another Islamic poster child in its most recognizable form: a screaming banshee who delights in threatening racism,
Read More +Creating policy via temper tantrum allows the west to forget about the more than 11,000 innocent people who have been murdered by Muslims since 9/11. From Today’s Zaman: Organization of the Islamic Conference (OIC) member countries plan to declare a day of memorial for massacres and genocide committed against Muslim communities in various countries throughout the 20th century. On Friday, representatives of OIC youth organizations came together at İstanbul’s Grand Cevahir Hotel for a meeting organized by the Islamic Conference Youth Forum for Dialogue and Cooperation (ICYF-DC) to discuss programs to create awareness of Muslim grievances over the past within
Read More +An excellent article by Steven Plaut that pierces and destroys the mythology of nakba. Over the past few years, the term nakba (also spelled naqba) has become the favorite nonsense word of the Anti-Israel Lobby. Meaning “catastrophe” in Arabic, it has been embraced by anti-Semites all over the planet to refer to Israel’s creation, which supposedly imposed a “catastrophe” upon the “disenfranchised Palestinian Arabs.” Of course, the real catastrophe that befell the Arabs in 1948-49 was that they failed in their attempt to annihilate Israel and exterminate its population, and for that they paid a price. Meanwhile, Nakba Nonsense has
Read More +More mendacity from Islam, the keeper of falsehoods, revisionism, terror and bloodlust. From PMW: Palestinian children in Gaza were gathered for an exhibition that depicts Israel burning children in a crematorium. Young children are seen standing beside dolls being placed into a model of a cremation oven. According to the article in Al Ayyam, “The National Committee for defense of Children from the Holocaust opened its activities with a Holocaust exhibit. The Exhibit include a large oven and inside it small children are being burned, the picture speaks for itself.” [Al Ayyam, March 20, 2008] Another part of the exhibit
Read More +Jamie Glazov, the premier interviewer for FrontPageMagazine, asks Peter BetBasoo what has Islam really contributed in terms of human scientific and artistic endeavor? An excerpt: Muslims claim many, many accomplishments we know they had nothing to do with. Arabic numerals? From India. The concept of zero? From Babylonia. Parabolic arches? From Assyria. The much ballyhooed claim of translating the Greek corpus of knowledge into Arabic? It was the Christian Assyrians, who first translated to Syriac, then to Arabic. The first University? Not Al-Azhar in Cairo (988 A.D.), but the School of Nisibis of the Church of the East (350 A.D.),
Read More +Via Palestinian Media Watch, by Itamar Marcus and Barbara Crook: “My enemy, oh snake! Around the land, you are coiled. You have no choice, oh enemy, but to leave my country.” — [Palestinian TV, January 2008, broadcast daily] A hate video broadcast continuously on official (Fatah-controlled) Palestinian TV over the past several months calls Israel “my enemy” and spews out messages of hate and loathing. The song’s refrain, My enemy, oh enemy,” is repeated over and over throughout the song. Israel is not even given the courtesy of a name, but is tagged with such labels as “treacherous,” “imperialism” and
Read More +By Stan Goodenough: Muslims tell at least five big lies. First of all, their Quran does not mention Jerusalem even once, meaning their claim to Israel?s capital as their “third holiest” city is fraudulent and aimed at stealing the city from the Jews. Secondly they adamantly assert that the “Palestinians” comprise a nation — although they have no national history — and that Israel has to give Judea, Samaria and Gaza “back” to these “Palestinians” — although those lands have never been under Muslim rule. Thirdly, they claim the Jews occupy Arab lands, when in fact the Arabs are the
Read More +Fatah is planning to mark its 43rd anniversary this year with a new poster that presents all of Israel as palestine. Designed specifically for the occasion by Abdel Mun’em Ibrahim, the poster features a map of Israel that is entirely draped with a Palestinian keffiyeh scarf. However, if anyone knew the fraud and hoax of the entity calling itself ‘palestine’, they would look at palestine as if it were entirely draped in a shroud, because palestine is dead; like an aborted fetus, it was never born, it never lived, it doesn’t exist, and anything that anyone proclaims that it does
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