Deconstructing the Lies About the Legitimate and Sovereign Nation of Israel

TagMuslim mass murderers

Libyan Leader Says Iran Shows “Vanity”

I’m not the only one who thinks Mahmoud Ahmadinejad is a pompous genocidal braggart. His political brother, Muammar el-Qaddafi, leader of Libya, thinks he’s one also. From Libyan Leader Says Iran Shows “Vanity”: Iran risks the same fate as Saddam Hussein’s Iraq in its confrontation with the West over its nuclear program, Col. Muammar el-Qaddafi, the Libyan leader...

Hamas Asks Egypt to Help Save “Mother of Martyrs”

Miriam was Moses’ sister. The Torah states: “And the King of Egypt spoke to the Hebrew midwives, one was Shifrah and the name of the second was Puah.” (Exodus 1:15) Who was Shifrah and who was Puah? What do we learn from their names? Rabbi Zelig Pliskin teaches: Rashi, the 13th century French commentator, informs us that Shifrah was a second name for Yocheved, Mose’s...

Another Bulldozer Attack by A Muzbot in Jerusalem: 23 Innocents Wounded

For the second time in three weeks, a Muslim Arab commandeered a bulldozer to commit a terrorist attack in Jerusalem to kill innocent Jews even though Israel, the land Jews live on, was bought and paid for legally and with the imprimatur of the United Nations. Via INN: The Muslim wounded several people before being shot and killed. The Muslim began his attempt to murder Jews on King David St...

Samir Kuntar, a typical arab stain on humanity

A small word of advice for Samir Kuntar. Ask your comrades in the PLO and Hizbullah what was the ultimate fate of various killers of Israelis and Jews years after they thought their actions were forgotten. For example, what happened to the killers of Israel’s athletes at the 1972 Munich Olympics and their masterminds? The last of them died in unnatural circumstances 24 years after that...

Ahmadinejad and the Dawning of Messianic Times

It is one thing to study eschatology; it is another to be so convinced that you, yourself, will be the personality that it centers around. From Ahmadinejad and the Dawning of Messianic Times: Since the late ninth century, the Shi’ites have been expecting the emergence of the hidden imam-mahdi, armed with divine power and followed by thousands of martyrdom-seeking warriors. He is expected to...

Six Arabs Arrested in Israel for Plotting Attack on Bush

The very same culture that President Bush falesly claimed “is peaceful” is also the very same culture that wants to murder him. Pandering will only get you so far until you become one of Islam’s useful idiots. From Six Arabs Arrested in Israel for Plotting Attack on Bush: Israel Police and the Shin Bet Security Service have arrested six Arabs – two of them Israeli citizens...

Nasrallah Will Not Die a Natural Death

From Nasrallah Will Not Die a Natural Death: MK Yisrael Hasson, who was also a former Shin Bet assistant director, said: “None of them will be absolved. Whoever bathed in Jewish blood, whoever attacked the honor and independence of the State of Israel, will not be able to tell their grandchildren anything, because they will never get to that stage.” “I have no doubt that...

A Word of Advice for Samir Kuntar and other Muslim murderers

From A Word of Advice for Samir Kuntar: A small word of advice for Samir Kuntar. Ask your comrades in the PLO and Hizbullah what was the ultimate fate of various killers of Israelis and Jews years after they thought their actions were forgotten. For example, what happened to the killers of Israel’s athletes at the 1972 Munich Olympics and their masterminds? The last of them died in...

Deconstructing the Lies About the Legitimate and Sovereign Nation of Israel



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