Humanizing the Muslim murderer


In the immediate aftermath of the Palestinian bulldozer rampage, which killed three Israelis and injured dozens more, HonestReporting focused on the headlines on the BBC’s website. The headlines went from “Israel bulldozer driver shot dead” to “Bulldozer rampage hits Jerusalem” and finally settled on “Deadly Jerusalem bulldozer attack.” The BBC, however, was not the only media outlet that raised eyebrows with its coverage. Numerous news outlets, including newspapers that provided otherwise honest and fair coverage of the day’s events, placed surprising emphasis on the attacker’s motives to humanize him and “explain” his actions. The British Daily Telegraph for example, noted

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Anti-Semitism at the University of California, Irvine


Muslims around the world conveniently forget that Israel is a prosperous and civilized nation founded by legal land purchases and predicated on international law. Muslims choose to ignore the fact that Israel is a legitimate and sovereign nation, voted imprimatur into sovereignty and legitimacy by the United Nations. Regardless of the facts, empirical historical and archaelogical evidence that Jews have righteously returned to their indigenous homeland, Muslims at the University of California, Irvine, specifically the Muslim Student Union (MSU), a virulently anti-Semitic and anti-American student group, hold several programs which unabashedly support terrorist groups and unjustly denounce Israel, America, and

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The Muslim View of a Kingdom: Racism, Tyranny, Apartheid and Genocide


In spite of the truth that Jerusalem belongs to the Jews and is the capital of Israel, the chief of staff for Palestinian Authority President Mahmoud Abbas, Rafiq Al Husseini, lied today and threatened that Jerusalem and the Temple Mount belong to the Muslims and any Israeli action that “offends” the Mount will be answered by 1.5 billion Muslims. This is yet another example of how Muslims dictate public policy by throwing public temper tantrums and rewriting history. Rafiq Al Husseini is just another Islamic poster child in its most recognizable form: a screaming banshee who delights in threatening racism,

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Egyptian’s Bid for UN Post in Doubt After Call to Burn Israeli Books


The United Nations’ continues to guarantee that it remains a cesspool of Muslim ethnocentrism and Jew hatred. Via NY Sun: UN diplomats said Egyptian Culture Minister Farouk Hosni’s candidacy to become director-general of UNESCO may now be doomed, after he told the Egyptian parliament that if any Israeli books were found in Egyptian libraries, he would burn them. Such a statement is “couched in the language and actions of Nazi ‘Minister of Culture’ Josef Goebbels,” the director for international relations of the Simon Wiesenthal Center, Shimon Samuels, said in a letter. “An aspirant book-burner, who threatens to wield culture as

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