Have any of you seen the film, Atonement? I wanted to see it, along with some other films while we relax over the next few days. But, now that I know Vanessa Redgrave is in it, I refuse to see it. I refuse to give one dime to anything that has Vanessa Redgrave associated with it. Why? Two suspected al-Qa’eda operatives released from Guantanamo Bay have walked free from court although they...
Catholic Leader Rejects Israel’s Jewish Identity
From Catholic Leader Rejects Israel’s Jewish Identity: Latin Patriarch Michel Sabbah, an Arab from Nazareth and the Roman Catholic Church’s top cleric in the Holy Land, said Israel should not be designated a Jewish state. “If it’s Jewish, it’s not Muslim or Christian,” he said. Sabbah had no word on whether a future Palestinian state in the West Bank and Gaza...
Who is Michel (Michael) Sabbah?
The Arab League and a Vatican official, Michel (Michael) Sabbah, separately but simultaneously, are campaigning for Israel to divide Jerusalem. The PA recently asked the Pope to help make the capital part of a new state. The Roman Catholic papal representative in Israel, Nazareth native Michael Sabbah told reporters, “This [partition] wall must not exist. One day it will not exist. The...