Deconstructing the Lies About the Legitimate and Sovereign Nation of Israel

TagKen Livingstone

UK Islamic Expo

Via One Jerusalem blog: Douglas Murray is a brilliant British writer and advocate for truth and justice. Being very effective at what he does he has been branded an enemy of British Muslims who want to impose Sharia Law on British society. Murray has established a record of being willing to debate his opponents in public forums. You may remember that he partnered with Daniel Pipes in a debate...

“Islamophobia” Idiocy

From “Islamophobia” Idiocy: Ken Livingstone, London’s quixotic mayor, has shifted the blame from the terrorists to the British at large, who are supposedly tempted by “Islamophobia.” Thus, Livingstone works his way into a logical impasse: Do we dislike them because they want to kill us, or do they want to kill us because we dislike them? He implies that the main...

Another misanthrope

I’m not dumb and far be it for me to think that I am above average in cognitive processing, but I will concede that I am at a loss why as London defends itself against heinous islamic behavior, London’s Mayor Ken Livingstone defends it. Via Yahoo UK Ireland: London Mayor Ken Livingstone called on Britons Saturday not to demonize Muslims after a double car bomb plot was foiled in the...

Radical Islam vs. Civilization

Text of a talk presented by Daniel Pipes on January 20, 2007, in London in a debate with the mayor of London, Ken Livingstone, as transcribed by the 910 Group with the help of others. The original posting of the video can be seen at YouTube; for a single clip version, see the posting at the Global Defense Group. For accounts of the debate, see the bibliography at “My Debate with London Mayor Ken...

Daniel Pipes to debate London Mayor Ken Livingstone

Folks, show your support for Daniel Pipes as he debates the Jew-hater Ken Livingstone, the mayor of London, England. For more on Ken Livingstone, click here. Received by email from Daniel Pipes:———- Ken Livingstone, the mayor of London, England, has invited me to debate him on Saturday, January 20, 2007, 10-12 a.m., at the Queen Elizabeth II Conference Centre in London. This...

Ken Livingstone: England’s Shame

Ken Livingstone says “western foreign policy has fueled the Islamist radicalism behind the bomb attacks.” Ken Livingstone is also the same schmuck who said Bush is the ‘greatest threat to life on planet’. Aside from the fact that Ken Livingstone is clearly uneducated for saying such untruths, when it is rather bin Laden, Hussein, Abbas, Hamas, Hezbollah, Fatah, al-Qaida...

Islam and their cowardly British appeasers

Folks, there is no such thing as fundamentalist Islam. There is only full stop Islam. There is no difference between Muslim moderates and Muslim extremists regardless of the appeasement rhetoric bantered about by Western politicians even though they themselves can’t speak a word of Arabic. Caroline Glick, in The Jerusalem Post, July 7, 2005, summarized the following spikes in British...

The Islamization of Europe

Folks, it’s begun: In the opinion of Bassam Tibi, an academic of Syrian origins who lives in Germany, Europeans are facing a stark alternative: “Either Islam gets Europeanized, or Europe gets Islamized.” Institutions that have been affected by Islamophile correctness run the gamut. In Britain, a judge has agreed to prohibit Hindus and Jews from sitting on a jury in the trial of...

Deconstructing the Lies About the Legitimate and Sovereign Nation of Israel



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