Deconstructing the Lies About the Legitimate and Sovereign Nation of Israel

TagJihad Watch

Stop the presses! Pakistan helped the Taliban!

Via JihadWatch: A real shock horror, totally unexpected, out-of-left-field Friend-and-Ally Update: “US think tank: Pakistan helped Taliban insurgents,” by Jason Straziuso for Associated Press, June 9: KABUL, Afghanistan (AP) – Pakistani intelligence agents and paramilitary forces have helped train Taliban insurgents and have given them information about American troop movements...

Stifling [Robert] Spencer

CAIR, the Muslim phony civil rights group, tries to get Robert Spencer uninvited from a conservative youth conference. From Frontpage: Just over 24 hours before a scheduled speech it is hosting by commentator and FPM columnist Robert Spencer, Young America’s Foundation found something unexpected sitting in the FAX machine: a thinly veiled threat of a lawsuit if the group allowed the talk to...

Bin Laden in new old video!

From Jihad Watch: Is he dead? This re-release of old material only reinforces that impression. “Bin Laden in video calls for martyrdom,” from CNN: Osama bin Laden stresses the importance of martyrdom for Muslim causes in a videotape that purportedly contains a 50-second message from the al Qaeda leader.The 40-minute videotape, whose audio was being translated from Arabic by CNN, was...

Bin Laden’s deputy behind the Red Mosque bloodbath

Via JihadWatch: Evidence that the jihad is indeed global, and not simply a series of various nationalist insurgent movements. Lal Masjid Update. By Dean Nelson and Ghulam Hasnain in the TimesOnline: AL-QAEDA’S leadership secretly directed the Islamic militants whose armed revolt at the Red Mosque in Islamabad ended last week with more than 100 deaths after it was stormed by the Pakistan army...

Robert Spencer: Blogging the Qur’an

Starting Sunday, May 27, 2007 Michelle Malkin’s Hot Air has been sponsoring a new series to foster discussion as well as become a resource for anyone who wants to know more about the Qur’an (or Koran) and its role in the Islamic world and in the ideology of al Qaeda and other terrorist groups, as well as its place in the lives of a billion Muslims worldwide. Robert Spencer of Jihad Watch...

Al-Qaeda: Hamas betrayed God

If anyone still believes the hype that Islam is not a conquering, imperialistic, territorial, and aggressive theosophy which has evolved into a “religion of peace”, in spite of the overwhelming empirical historical evidence that it is not, even after reading this article, has to be a freaking moron. Via Jihad Watch: A-Q is piqued with the brothers of Hamas because they have entered...

Name that damned threat already

Via Jihad Watch, terror may be the symptom, but as usual, officials stop short of naming the cause: jihad. “Citing terror threat, U.S. boosts security in Germany,” by Louis Charbonneau for Reuters: The U.S. embassy in Germany said on Friday it was boosting security at its facilities in response to what it described as an increased threat of terrorism there. Neither U.S. nor German...

A Khomeinist in Austin

Via HotAir. This week’s edition of Jihad Watch looks at the actions of the Texas Legislature in inviting a Khomeinist Imam to pray at a session. Robert Spencer reports on the video: “Islam makes it incumbent on all adult males, provided they are not disabled or incapacitated, to prepare themselves for the conquest of countries so that the writ of Islam is obeyed in every country in...

Deconstructing the Lies About the Legitimate and Sovereign Nation of Israel



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