Deconstructing the Lies About the Legitimate and Sovereign Nation of Israel

TagJewish prayer

Annapolis, Shannapolis

Via A7: Never underestimate the power of prayer. When Sanheriv’s massive legion of soldiers surrounded Jerusalem on the verge of waging a devastating attack, King Hezkiahu turned to Heaven and prayed: “Dear G-d, I don’t have the power to defeat all of the enemies that have gathered against us and Your Holy City – please, while we sleep, You do it or us.” When Hezkiahu awoke in the morning, two...

This is my prayer

Let me wander in the shephelah, let me walk in the Negeb, where the only sustenance is provided by G-D. Bring us back to the tents, to the flocks, I pray. Bring us back to the canopy of the open skies where we might press our faces upon the platform that holds His footstool And swear for all of our lives by His Holy Name that we accept His covenant…each day. And at night, when the whisper...

Connecting secular phenomena to the Divine

“Almighty God, look at this magnificent apple that You created! The wisdom of its waterproof enclosure, the beauty of its tantalizing red color, and the temptingly delicious aroma with which it is perfumed. How can I even begin to thank You!” — Rabbi Avigdor Miller (1908-2001), one of America’s leading Torah educators and author of groundbreaking books on Jewish thought...

Perek Shirah

Folks, I’ve just discovered Perek Shirah and I’m already so thrilled although I don’t know much about it. Perek Shirah is an ancient, sacred work that has become increasingly popular in recent years. Some sources ascribe it to King David, who was inspired to compose it after being told by a frog, as it were, that its “song” to God was loftier than David’s own...

Deconstructing the Lies About the Legitimate and Sovereign Nation of Israel



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