Sponsored by Aish.com: In 1960, Nazi leader Adolf Eichmann was captured in Argentina. Eichmann was in charge of implementing the “final solution” to exterminate Jews in the concentration camps. In one seven-week period alone, Eichmann transported 400,000 Hungarian Jews to the gas chambers. Eichmann was captured through the efforts of Nazi hunter Simon Wiesenthal and the Israeli Mossad...
Hungarian Jews disturbed by formation of right-wing group
Hungarian Jews disturbed by formation of right-wing group. By DPA news service, in Ha’aretz: A Hungarian Jewish association on Wednesday expressed concern about the formation of an armed “Hungarian Guard” by an extreme-right- wing group, saying that the uniforms its members planned to wear were close to those wore by fascists in the 1940s. “Mazsihisz (The Federation of...