

Shavuot is the day the Torah was given — celebrating the supernatural encounter between God and the Israelites at Mount Sinai, an event which changed mankind forever. Shavuot commemorates the giving of the Torah to the Jewish people at Mount Sinai and is also the Festival of the First Fruits or the Feast of the Weeks. Every Jewish holiday falls on a specific day of the month, with one exception: Shavuot, the day on which we received the Torah. Aish says: Shavuot is always the 50th day following the beginning of Passover. Under the essential Jewish calendar in which the

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L’shana Tova — Ketivah vi-chatima Tova


Rosh Hashana begins today at sundown. Rosh Hashana is the Jewish New Year. The Jewish New Year is celebrated by reflecting upon the past, correcting one’s mistakes, planning for the future, praying for a healthy and sweet year and celebrating with holiday meals. Rabbi Nachum Braverman teaches us that “On Rosh Hashana we make an accounting of our year and we pray repeatedly for life. How do we justify another year of life? What did we do with the last year? Has it been a time of growth, of insight and of caring for others? Did we make use of

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