Deconstructing the Lies About the Legitimate and Sovereign Nation of Israel

TagJewish agriculture

Three British Women Activists and Members of ISM Caught Destroying Jewish Vineyards

Destruction under the guise of Humanitarian Assistance brought to you by some of the she-pigs at ISM. Greta Berlin must be so happy. From INN: Jewish-owned vineyards in Samaria were once again destroyed by leftist “humanitarian groups” Friday. This time some were caught in the act and arrested. Shortly after residents of Dolev, located north of Jerusalem, discovered Friday that a local synagogue...

Arabs uproot 100s of Jewish trees and grape vines in Gush Etzion

Death is the Arab’s master. From Israel National News: Residents of the Gush Etzion hilltop community of Sde Boaz had hundreds of grape vines and scores of fruit trees uprooted and destroyed Friday. The latest vandalism, though the most costly yet, is just the latest in a string of attacks on the community’s property. The agricultural, eco-friendly community, located about a mile north of...

Deconstructing the Lies About the Legitimate and Sovereign Nation of Israel



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