Deconstructing the Lies About the Legitimate and Sovereign Nation of Israel

TagJerusalem Day

Jerusalem Day: Monday, June 2, 2008

Monday, June 2 is Yom Yerushalayim, also known as Jerusalem Day – the anniversary of the reunification of Jerusalem where Jews were denied access to their Holiest city from 1948-1967. Yom Yerushalayim is a holiday celebrating the reunification of the Jewish Holy City of Jerusalem in the hands of its rightful owners, the Jewish people. In 1948, no Palestinian state was invaded or destroyed...

Today in Jewish History – Iyar 28

Sponsored by In 1967, Israeli paratroopers completed their capture of the Old City of Jerusalem, restoring Jewish control of the Temple Mount, Judaism’s holiest site. Soldiers danced, sang and cried at the Western Wall, the site of Jewish prayers for centuries. A plaza was cleared in front of the Wall, and one week later, tens of thousands of Jews swarmed to the site on the...

Deconstructing the Lies About the Legitimate and Sovereign Nation of Israel



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