More on the stench known as Yesh Din. Via NGO Monitor: Yesh Din, an Israeli NGO founded by members of Machsom Watch, claims to monitor legal procedures applied to Palestinian complaints against Israelis – both civilians and members of the security forces in the West Bank – in Israeli civilian courts. It also follows proceedings against Palestinian defendants in military courts. Yesh Din is funded...
Please assist
From Steve Plaut: Call to Arms! Please assist I would like to ask your assistance in getting the word out about, which replaces Israel Academia Monitor (now defunct) as an improved, cleaner and meaner, watchdog web site that exposes and monitors Israel’s Academic Fifth Column. ISRACAMPUS is an improved, professionally-edited web site that replaces the...
David Landau, editor of Ha’aretz, calls for the rape of Israel
Last Wednesday, New York’s Jewish Week, reported that the editor of Israel’s self-described “newspaper of record”, David Landau, asked the US secretary of state to rape his country and told her that his erotic fantasy is to watch America rape Israel. CAMERA reports: At a private meeting of some 20 journalists with Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice in September, 2007...
Who is Yael Korin?
Yael Korin is the co-founder of the Los Angeles branch of Women in Black and is an ex-Israeli Jew working for the destruction of Israel. Yael Korin is a pathologist at the medical school of UCLA who believes the canard that Jews have no right to live in Israel. She is associated with Greta Berlin, another she-pig at Women in Black, and as Discover the Network writes, “…Yael...
Arabs and radical leftists continue to vandalize Jewish farmers’ property
Via Ha’aretz: West Bank Israeli Jews say there has been a recent spate of palestinian vandalism on property belonging to Jewish farmers, and an Haaretz investigation has found evidence of arson, sabotage of equipment and destruction of crops. The farmers claim that the police are not designating their complaints as high priority, because they do not fall under the rubric of “hostile...
NGO Monitor: New Israel Fund’s NGO Grants under Critical Spotlight
From NGO Monitor: The New Israel Fund (NIF) organized the ‘NIForum‘, a 10-city North American tour of meetings on a “Progressive Vision for Israel” in October, 2007. As detailed analysis by NGO Monitor has shown, NIF grants are influenced by radicals whose private agendas have been overwhelmingly rejected by Israeli voters. NIF continues to use “civil society”...
No doubt, Olmert will sell his out his Jewish brethren
More Muslim hubris. The muzbots want it all. Now, palestinian negotiators drafting an agreement behind the scenes with Prime Minister Ehud Olmert’s office have made clear they will not accept any final peace deal with Israel unless the Jewish state forfeits the Temple Mount, Judaism’s holiest site, WND has learned. According to a report in Israel’s Yediot Aharonot daily...
The misanthropic Peace Now
The fetid misanthropes who hide their dysfunctional personalities behind the mask of “Peace Now” will be holding a protest against Jews in their indigenous regions of Judea and Samaria in the heart of Hebron’s Jewish neighborhood Tuesday. Counter-protesters say they will be there too. The left-wing Jew-haters anti-settlement group petitioned the Supreme Court to force police and IDF...