From Israel’s Historic Achievement: To think of Israel as 60 years old may be wrong when its enemies seek to portray it as an alien usurper. In fact, the Jews have lived in the Land of Israel for over 3,300 years, since 1312 BCE. They had lived there at least 1,800 years before the Arab conquest of 635 CE, which lasted only 22 years. Jerusalem was the Jewish capital for over 3,300 years and...
A Reality Check as Israel Turns 60
An excellent article, A Reality Check as Israel Turns 60, by Fouad Ajami: The Arab imagination could never reconcile itself to the permanence of the Jewish state. No victories could secure this state the acceptance of its neighbors. It was a fluke of history, they believed. Modern-day Arabs took to the history of the Crusader Kingdom that had lasted for two centuries (1099-1291), then pulled up...
Israel Should Be the Plaintiff, Not the Defendant, in the Court of Public Opinion
From Israel Should Be the Plaintiff, Not the Defendant, in the Court of Public Opinion: It is not about land. Israel is a hangnail-sized piece of land with no oil and no resources other than those produced by the sweat and brains of its inhabitants. Surrounding this minuscule plot, demonstrably the Jews’ ancient homeland, are 22 Arab countries covering a tenth of the world’s land...
Israel Then and Now
Check out this video, sponsored by, entitled “Israel Then and Now” in recognition and celebration of Israel’s 60th Anniversary: 60 Years in 60 Seconds
Few Nations Can Claim the Same Legitimacy as Israel
From Few Nations Can Claim the Same Legitimacy as Israel: For some in academia, the media and even the UN, Israel’s very “Right to Exist” is considered a subject for legitimate debate. It’s ironic, since few nations can claim the kind of historic legitimacy and connection to a place as can the Jewish people. For more than 3,000 years, Jews have been spiritually as well as...
Israel’s Gift to the World
From Israel’s Gift to the World: As Israel celebrates its 60th birthday, the world should recognize the enormous gifts the Jewish state has given the world. Israel has exported more lifesaving medical technology to the far-flung corners of the earth than any nation of comparable size. It has done more to protect the environment, to promote literature, music, the arts and sciences, to spread...
President Truman’s Decision to Recognize Israel
Israel at 60. The charge that domestic politics determined US policy on Palestine angered President Truman for the rest of his life. In fact, the President’s policy rested on the realities of the situation in the region, on America’s moral, ethical, and humanitarian values, on the costs and risks inherent in any other course, and on America’s national interests. Israel was going...
Israel at 60: Population 7.282 Million
On the eve of Israel’s 60th Independence Day, the country’s population stands at 7,282,000, according to the Central Bureau of Statistics.
5,499,000 (75.5%) are Jews and 1,461,000 (20.1%) are Arabs.
May the Jews continue to be fruitful and multiply, healthy and prosperous, protected and faithful.