From Israeli Expertise in Ritual Helps Africa Combat AIDS: Inon Schenker, an AIDS prevention specialist, is director of Operation Abraham, a project launched last year that dispatched Israeli surgeons to teach circumcision in Africa. Studies conducted between 2004 and 2006 in South Africa, Uganda and Kenya found that the risk of contracting AIDS in heterosexual sex is 50-60% less among men who are circumcised. Because it is obligatory under Jewish law, male circumcision is nearly universal in Israel. With the support of the Hadassah Medical Organization, the Jerusalem AIDS Project sent three delegations of surgeons to teach adult circumcision in
Read More +Contrary to what you’ve been spoonfed by the Jew-hating Arab-loving left, every single time something good is done, whether it is a doctor saving a child’s life, or a ravaged town needing its citizens rescued from a disaster, you can pretty much count on the fact that Israel was involved in the attempts to save a life. From Israelis Contributed to Daring Colombian Hostage Rescue: Former Colombian presidential candidate Ingrid Betancourt, who was released after six years in captivity on Wednesday, compared her “impeccable” rescue operation to Israeli commando operations and Israel indeed contributed to the daring rescue mission. The
Read More +A third Israeli relief team departed on Wednesday for Myanmar, including medical personnel, training specialists, and logisticians who will continue IsraAID’s relief efforts in the field. Video: Israeli Rescue Teams in Myanmar [Burma]
Read More +Once again Israel does the job America won’t do. The entire civilized world can once again thank Israel for preventing another Muslim dictatorship theocracy from using nuclear weapons against infidels. Later today U.S. intelligence officials will show members of Congress a videotape and other evidence supporting their case that Syria was building a nuclear reactor with North Korean assistance before it was bombed by Israeli planes in September 2007, a U.S. official said Wednesday. Intelligence officials who have seen the evidence consider it “extremely compelling,” the anonymous U.S. official said. He said it was gleaned from a variety of sources,
Read More +Little is ever mentioned about Israel’s humanitarian efforts. One of her efforts is the Israeli organization called “Save a Child’s Heart“. “Save a Child’s Heart” is one of the largest undertakings in the world that provides urgently needed pediatric heart surgery and follow-up care for children from third world and developing countries. Its entire surgical, intensive care and nursing staff volunteer their services and donate their time, in conjunction with the Wolfson Medical Center outside Tel Aviv. The organization also brings medical personnel to train in Israel. Thousands of sick children from all over the world, regardless of race or
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