In spite of the truth that Jerusalem belongs to the Jews and is the capital of Israel, the chief of staff for Palestinian Authority President Mahmoud Abbas, Rafiq Al Husseini, lied today and threatened that Jerusalem and the Temple Mount belong to the Muslims and any Israeli action that “offends” the Mount will be answered by 1.5 billion Muslims. This is yet another example of how...
Islamism and art
Did you know that in 1997, the Council on American-Islamic Relations demanded that part of a 1930s frieze in the main chamber of the U.S. Supreme Court building in Washington, D.C. be sandblasted into oblivion, on the grounds that Islam prohibits representations Mohammed? Chief Justice William Rehnquist rejected CAIR’s pressure. Did you know that back in 1955, a campaign to censor a...
Taliban Child Beheads American “Spy”: The Return of Zarqawi Chic
Via The Jawa Report: I’ve been warning about this for some time, the return of beheading chic to Islamc terror propaganda videos. Think the Islamists could get any more disgusting than Abu Musab al Zarqawi’s frequent beheading snuff films? Think again. Imagine the same video, but this time a child does it. AP: The boy with the knife looks barely 12. In a high-pitched voice, he...
Palestinian Sheikh Calls on Allah to Kill Every Single Israeli and American
At a mosque in Sudan, the Acting Speaker of the Palestinian Legislative Council, Sheik Ahmad Bahr, calls for Israel and America to be annihilated and for Allah to kill every single Israeli and American citizen. (Courtesy of MEMRI TV.) Click here for more information. Following are excerpts from a sermon delivered by Ahmad Bahr, acting speaker of the Palestinian Legislative Council, which aired on...
Three Charged in 2005 London Transit Attacks
From Three Charged in 2005 London Transit Attacks: British authorities charged three Muslim men Thursday with conspiring to help with reconnaissance and planning for the July 2005 suicide-bombing attack on the London transit system, which killed 52 people. The attack, Britain’s deadliest in peacetime, was carried out by four Britons of Pakistani origin. Mohammad Shakil, 30, Sadeer Saleem...
Muslims in Nigeria club Christian teacher to death and Muslims in Ethiopia murder a Christian evangelist
I’m tired of having to endure the deceit when Muslims and other arabists claim Islam is peaceful. I don’t know why the world was cursed by having its main energy source located under the feet of savages. Received the following by email:——————————– has the very sobering story of “Christianah...
Chlorine cache found in Iraq
Weapons of man’s destruction? Couldn’t be, because Islam is the “religion of peace”. Isn’t that right, Ibrahim Hooper? Via Washington Times: U.S. troops sweeping Baghdad have found containers of nitric acid and chlorine, raising concerns that insurgents are expanding their use of chemicals in the war for power in Iraq, military officials said yesterday. The...
British Make Arrests in Terrorist Transit Attacks
The London Transit Bombings were merely just another one of Islam’s giant carbon footprints, with a little blood and sinew thrown in, for color. Via MyWay: Counter-terrorist police arrested three men Thursday in the 2005 suicide attacks on the London transit system, the first major development in the investigation in months. Two of the suspects were detained as they prepared to board a...