Deconstructing the Lies About the Legitimate and Sovereign Nation of Israel

TagIslam in history

African Slavery under Muslim Hegemony

This video is excellent and a must-see for everyone on your email lists.Received by email: While many hear (quite a bit now, during our presidential campaign) about the legacy of slavery in the United States, and many know of the Trans-Atlantic Slave Trade, very few know that there was a slave trade that preceded and continued to the present day that was far worse. That was and is the Arab/Muslim...

Slaying of RFK Gave U.S. a First Taste of Mideast Terror

From Slaying of RFK Gave U.S. a First Taste of Mideast Terror: Some scholars see the shooting of Robert F. Kennedy as America’s first taste of the political violence of the Middle East. “I thought of it as an act of violence motivated by hatred of Israel and of anybody who supported Israel,” said Alan Dershowitz, a Harvard law professor who had worked on Kennedy’s campaign...

Former Indonesian President Describes Lynching of Jews in Iraq

From Former Indonesian President Describes Lynching of Jews in Iraq via DailyAlert: Abdurrahman Wahid, 67, the former Indonesian president and a leading Muslim scholar, revealed the root of his understanding of the risks and perils of Jewish existence. Wahid was a student at Baghdad University in 1966, earning his keep as a secretary at a textile importer, when he befriended the firm’s...

Anti-Semitism among Palestinian Authority Academics

From Anti-Semitism among Palestinian Authority Academics: PA efforts to delegitimize Israel are evident throughout Palestinian society and involve television, schoolbooks, and culture, incorporating hate messages and the denial of Israel’s right to exist. Academics including professors, religious scholars, teachers, and schoolbook authors are all participating. Palestinian academics...

Anti-Semitic Hate Speech in the Name of Islam

From Anti-Semitic Hate Speech in the Name of Islam: Farfur, the cartoon character on Hamas’ children’s television program, is a carbon copy of Walt Disney’s Mickey Mouse. But the Hamas version does something that Mickey would never do: He entertains children while propagating the murder of Jews. Farfur’s appearances are typical of Hamas’ anti-Semitic propaganda...

Legacy of Islamic Anti-Semitism

Deconstructing the mythology of Islam’s historical love for the Jews. From Legacy of Islamic Anti-Semitism: The Legacy of Islamic Anti-Semitism by Andrew Bostom refutes the claim that Islam, unlike Christianity, had not entertained a systematic persecution of the Jews, with a well-tailored survey of the theological, historical and juridical origins of Islamic anti-Semitism. A trove of anti...

What is Muslim land?

The virus calling itself Osama bin Laden emerged once again to vow in a new audiotape Saturday, that he and his followers will expand the Muslim holy war to Israel, threatening “blood for blood, destruction for destruction.” The muslim went on to say “We intend to liberate Palestine, the whole of Palestine from the (Jordan) river to the sea,” he said, threatening...

Peres: Hamas Wants to Destroy Israel

Tell us something we didn’t know, Peres. From Peres: Hamas Wants to Destroy Israel: President Shimon Peres told Austrian Chancellor Alfred Gusenbauer on Monday in Jerusalem: “We had a rough day in Sderot. Seven rockets fell and almost killed our children. It’s an intolerable situation and there is one address for it – Hamas. There is a limit to how much Israel is willing...

Deconstructing the Lies About the Legitimate and Sovereign Nation of Israel



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