Deconstructing the Lies About the Legitimate and Sovereign Nation of Israel

TagIslam and Women

Jihad’s Target: Women

This article is eye-opening. An excerpt via Frontpage: The Islamist “Doctor’s Plot” in the UK was fiendish, but one particularly horrific aspect of it has received insufficient attention: it was specifically aimed at women. Buried deep in the New York Times article on the subject was this fact: The Tiger Tiger nightclub in London was targeted in part because last Thursday was...

Al-Arian’s Wife and Her Troubling Connections

In the middle of this month, a trial is scheduled to begin, linking a number of groups and individuals to the financing of terrorism abroad. At the same time, a woman, also related to overseas terror financing, is planning on leaving the country for Egypt. Whether that’s coincidence or not should be determined by law enforcement. However, this woman’s involvement in a terror front is undeniable...

Deconstructing the Lies About the Legitimate and Sovereign Nation of Israel



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