Deconstructing the Lies About the Legitimate and Sovereign Nation of Israel

TagIslam and its Disrespect for Jewish Holy Sites

What are the causes of Muslim Israelophobia?

Muslims believe that destroying the Jewish Holy Temple Mount promotes and expedites the Islamic goal to ethnically cleanse Jews from the Middle East. By invalidating claims to the historic Jewish presence of the Holy Jewish Temple Mount and by destroying any trace or any artifacts of the Jewish Holy Temple Mount, Muslims can declare supremacy over Judaism. We hear that desire all the time. We...

Arabs Desecrate Grave of Biblical Joshua

Just when you thought that Muslims couldn’t stoop any lower, what do they do? They go and desecrate the graves of the great Jewish Biblical Joshua, Caleb and Nun (Joshua’s father). Joshua served as the Jewish Nation’s Prime Minister from the year 2488 until 2516 on the Hebrew calendar (1272 BCE – 1300 BCE). Members of the One Shechem organization that organizes visits to the...

Today in Jewish History – Tevet 2

Sponsored by On this date in 1947, the Arab Legion surrounded Jerusalem and isolated its 100,000 Jews from the rest of the Israeli population. By March 1948 the city was under full siege, and in May, Jordan invaded and occupied east Jerusalem, dividing the city for the first time in its history, and driving thousands of Jews into exile. The Arabs proceeded to destroy all 58 synagogues...

Muslims Declare Jewish Temples Never Existed In Jerusalem

By The Editors of On the day that archaeologists announced discovering on the Temple Mount fragments of table vessels and animal bones dating back to Solomon’s Temple in the eight century B.C.E. — the former Mufti of Jerusalem and Fatah’s adviser on Jerusalem declared “There was never a Jewish Temple on al-Aqsa (The Temple Mount) and there is no proof...

Biblical Destruction by the Muslim Waqf

From Biblical Destruction: That the Waqf, the Muslim religious trust that serves as custodian of the Temple Mount, should wish to install new electric and telephone lines is understandable – provided that the necessary trench is first dug as a professional archaeological excavation. That is the required procedure everywhere in Israel before work can be undertaken at sites with...

Muslim Mythology: Fabricating an Emotion for Jerusalem

A lesson in Muslim mythology, from Fabricating an Emotion for Jerusalem: The Koran relates that Muhammad in a single night was transported to heaven by Burak, a horse with wings, a woman’s face, and a peacock’s tail. He was first taken to what the Koran called the “uttermost mosque” – il masjad al aksa. Jerusalem is not mentioned in the story, and there was no mosque...

Deconstructing the Lies About the Legitimate and Sovereign Nation of Israel



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